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 Intel announces Compute Card – A full PC the size of a Credit Card

This story is from the category Computing Power
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Date posted: 08/01/2017

At CES 2017 (Consumer Electronics Show), Intel announced a fully functional Windows 10 PC, in an ultra-slim tablet 95mm by 55mm by 5mm. Possessing no pluggable data ports itself, the PC only works when inserted in a standardised reader dock.

The whole idea of course is to create a true plug 'n' play central computer to control any number of devices in lieu of traditional embedded chipsets. If anything goes wrong with the computer, it can be plucked out and another standardised unit plugged in.

Intel are hoping this will revolutionise all embedded systems – from washing machines and freezers, through to home hubs, kiosks, and diagnostic equipment. An easily replaceable unit to drive every device that is itself larger than a credit card, and provide a standardised central architecture, one which can be removed from an old device and installed in a new one, seamlessly.

It does bring the possibility of easier hacking of our devices with it – if every device has the same architecture, they all share the same weaknesses. However, it also brings the possibility of every device we use having an input slot for our personal computer-card to control it.

See the full Story via external site: techxplore.com

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