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 Facebook loses $500m Oculus virtual reality case

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Date posted: 04/02/2017

A US court has awarded $500m (£395m) to a firm which sued Facebook and other defendants over the use of its virtual reality technology.

The jury found Oculus, which Facebook bought in 2014, had breached a contract with video game developer Zenimax when launching its own VR headset.

Oculus said it was "disappointed" and would appeal against the ruling.

Shortly before the results came out, the court awarded Zenimax damages from Facebook, Oculus and Oculus executives following a three-week trial.

Zenimax had argued that its early innovations in virtual reality were unlawfully copied when Oculus built its own headset, the Rift.

An Oculus spokesperson said the jury rejected this argument, but did find that Oculus breached a contract with Zenimax and infringed some of its copyright.

"The heart of this case was about whether Oculus stole Zenimax's trade secrets, and the jury found decisively in our favour," the Oculus spokesperson said.

See the full Story via external site: www.bbc.co.uk

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