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 CPR Glove, saving lives through Augmentation

This story is from the category Sensors
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Date posted: 06/03/2007

Two fourth year electrical and biomedical engineering students at Hamilton's McMaster University, Ontario, Canada, have taken the concept of the cyberglove, and developed a CPR system with it.

Outfitted with sensors, circuits and electrodes, the CPR Glove measures the depth and speed of the chest compressions, even the heart rate of the victim to make sure they require resuscitation.

It also has a liquid-crystal display screen on the back, to let the wearer know if they are performing correctly, or making a mistake in their application of the procedure.

Corey Centen, one of the glove?s designers, stated: "We just got to thinking about how neither of us, if put in a situation where we actually had to perform CPR, would properly remember how to go about the steps. So we decided we'd use our engineering background to come up with a solution to that."

"This is a device that we hope will increase the number of people trained in CPR," said Centen. "And also increase the number of people trained in CPR that can actually do it properly when the need arises."

Centen and Nilesh Patel, the other developer, say the market for the device is substantial. The glove could be used for training and testing, not just emergencies. For teaching purposes, data from the device can easily be sent to a computer with software that determines if the procedure was performed correctly or not.

The prototype cost about $250 Canadian dollars to build, but Centen and Patel say it could be cheaper if the components aren't bought individually.

See the full Story via external site: ca.news.yahoo.com

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