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 Two-Sided Touch Screen

This story is from the category Display Technology
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Date posted: 01/09/2007

Researchers at Microsoft and Mitsubishi are developing a new type of touch-screen system. This one lets people type text, click hyperlinks, and navigate maps with ease, through the display?s surface.

The major difference is that the display is both double-sided, and see through. It can be viewed from either side, and both sides take finger input.

On top of that, it uses multi-touch technology, so that each side can detect more than one finger-press at a time.

Avoiding a Cover up

The more people touch their screens, says Patrick Baudisch, a Microsoft researcher involved in the touch-screen project, the more content they cover up. "Touch has certain promise but certain problems," he says. "The smaller the touch screen gets, the bigger your fingers are in proportion ... Multitouch multiplies the promise and multiplies the problems. You can have a whole hand over your PDA screen, and that's a no go."

The current prototype, which illustrates a concept that the researchers call LucidTouch, is "hacked together" from existing products, says Daniel Wigdor, a researcher at Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab and a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto.

See the full Story via external site: www.technologyreview.com

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