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 Touch Bionics signs U.S. distribution agreement with SPS

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Date posted: 23/03/2008

(Press Release) Direct and indirect sales momentum gathers for the i-LIMB Hand

Touch Bionics, developer of the world's first commercially available bionic hand, and SPS (Southern Prosthetic Supply) the leading U.S. O&P distributor today announced that they have agreed on terms for a distribution agreement for the i-LIMB Hand in the United States. While Touch Bionics will continue to offer the product directly to U.S. clinics through its expanding direct U.S. sales force, the sales, marketing and distribution channels of SPS will further expand the commercial success of the widely acclaimed i-LIMB Hand.

"This agreement will provide us with a tremendous boost to our business-development capabilities in the U.S., and SPS' industry connections will allow us to reach a far greater number of practitioners across the country," said Touch Bionics CEO Stuart Mead. "Of course, Touch Bionics' direct sales focus in the region remains undiminished, and we continue to expand our presence in this regard, establishing new relationships with O&P practitioners to help bring the benefits of the i-LIMB Hand to U.S. patients."

SPS is an O&P distributor, with more than 55 years of service in the orthotics and prosthetics industry. SPS has four major distribution facilities located in Atlanta, Dallas, Middletown, PA and Paso Robles, CA.

"SPS is delighted to have secured the U.S. distribution rights to such an exciting product. This agreement is a continuation of SPS' efforts towards providing the very newest technologies to our O&P customers. Our role as a distribution partner with Touch Bionics will be to assist in providing market introduction, clinical education and delivery of the i-LIMB system to the U.S. Prosthetic Community," said SPS President, Ron May.

See the full Story via external site: www.touchbionics.com

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