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 Military swarm study 'at the edge of chaos'

This story is from the category Artificial Intelligence
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Date posted: 25/08/2004

Australian scientists are using the collective intelligence found in insect swarms to develop the next generation of hi-tech military hardware.

Alex Ryan, a mathematician with the government's Defence Science and Technology Organisation, leads a team working on the use of AI algorithms to recreate swarm behaviour on a battlefield.

The goal is to develop swarms of small, expendable unmanned vehicles that can carry out missions on land, in the sea, or the air, without human aid.

We would have thousands of these unmanned vehicles communicating with one another to carry out missions," Ryan said.

"We want to give them an overall goal, as in carrying out surveillance of a region, but you don't want to tell every one of 1 000 different vehicles exactly what to do, you want them to figure it out for themselves.

"That's the challenge: give them a goal; then when something changes, have them adapt."

See the full Story via external site: www.mg.co.za

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