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 Swimming Bacteria Could Become Model for Micromachines

This story is from the category Artificial Intelligence
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Date posted: 24/12/2009

The kinky motion of a primitive spiral-shaped bacterium in fluid could help design efficient swimming micro-robots of the future, according to a study by a team of UConn researchers.

Professors Greg Huber and Charles Wolgemuth of the Richard Berlin Center for Cell Analysis & Modeling at the UConn Health Center, along with graduate student Jing Yang, have developed a computer model of the motion of Spiroplasma, which swims through fluid by sending kinks down its body.

The researchers believe the insights gained from this tiny bacterium could be used to design and engineer micromachines that might be used for microscale manufacturing or for medical procedures - currently a hot topic in nanotechnology. Their paper, ?Kinematics of the Swimming of Spiroplasma,? was recently published in the prestigious journal Physical Review Letters.

?There are potential applications to this study,? says Huber, a biophysicist who studies how cells move. ?It is possible that insights gained from this tiny bacterium could be used to design and engineer swimming micro-robots.?

See the full Story via external site: www.physorg.com

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