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About the contributor Steve Fletcher

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Contributor's Statement
As some of you are already aware, my drive for progression in virtual reality and virtual environments towards full immersion, and a viable alternative to physical reality is one of the main driving forces behind VWN itself.

Very much a believer in the trans humanist way of thinking, it is the heart of my belief that Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have, between them, the potential to break down and dissipate many of the hells of the physical reality we are saddled with.

I possess a BSc in computer software development, as well as an infuriatingly logical mind, and the curse of high intelligence, so I tend to know what I'm talking about, when I start talking on a subject - getting me to shut up can be the problem.

The Virtual Worldlets Network, both in terms of the website, and the growing and developing entity behind the site, were both born out of my frustration and disbelief at the generally abysmal state that the collective VE/VR/AR industry was in, with isolated groups generally fighting each other rather than cooperating, and a ten-year wide void of information in many key sectors.

VWN was born, initially as a non-profit to bridge this gap, in the wake of the dot com bust, to try and mend these rifts, and to provide a central reference point from which newcomers and hobbyists alike could relate to seasoned professionals, and gain knowledge so very sorely needed if they were not to retred where others had gone before them. If you will, a beacon of light in the dark.

VR and AR are still in their infancy. Neither is anywhere near fulfillment, even as they struggle to grow. VWN, and I will be here, along with the others who have joined this crusade, and the untold number of you yet to do so; will stay by the side of these infant industries doing all we can to nourish them, to help them grow, as strong and as swift as possible, for they have the potential to aid us all.



Contributor contact details

Email Steve Fletcher
Homepage: www.virtualworldlets.net



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