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Brain Computer Interface

Brain-Computer Interface is the paradigm of connecting the human brain directly to a computer, bypassing the sensory system, and the physical body completely. Currently, BCI and neuroprosthetics are experiencing real successes in linking human brains to computers, and the control of virtual, and physical prosthetic limbs via pure thought control.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Brain Computer Interface:



Brain Machine Interface

Brain-Machine Interface



Deep Brain Stimulator

Event Related Potential

Heart Rate Variability


Invasive BCI


Locked In Syndrome

Neural Feedback





Non-invasive BCI

Non-invasive Neuroprosthetic

Partially-invasive BCI


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In the Works: MEMS Brain-Computer Interface
Industry News

In 2008, Caltech researchers are working on developing a MEMS-based (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) brain-computer interface, with initial designs proving promising, and holding the potential to overcome the signal degradation problem.

Chronicling and cataloguing some of the greater breakthroughs in Brain-Computer interfaces to occur in 2007.

Locally Hosted resource
The Human Brain has a Network Backbone
An unexpected discovery of a hierarchical networking scaffold inside the human brain itself, has interesting implications for future neuroprosthetics. Rather than having to interface with the grey matter right where computations are being done, we may in fact only have to interface with the white matter 'between departments' as it were, to achieve the same interface effect.

Locally Hosted resource
VR Interfaces: Inupathy - Neural Interface Dog Mood collar
The Inupathy collar is an empathic collar, a brain machine interface for your dog, that visually transmits your dogs emotions in real-time, by reading the dog's heartbeat as a biometric marker for the emotional turmoil going on inside. It learns and adapts to the dog, and offers an insight into your best friend's thought process, to bolster the ones you already have. It's a brain machine interface for the heart.

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Brain blankets for BMI
An introduction to a new type of brain-machine interface, the subskull brain blanket.

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Neuroprosthetics for Monitoring
Whilst it is certainly true that neuroprosthetics do not have to be limited to simply thought interface devices, by and large, they have been. The other side of neuroprosthetics, have been ignored. That other side being a system implanted into the brain, in order to not interface with the mind, but continuously monitor the health of the brain.

The girl who was plugged in, is a refreshing, if tragic short story. It centres around the familiar if not often talked about concept of plugging the human brain into a computer, then using this computer/brain hybrid to control a different body.

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Neuroprosthetics, Brain Emulation and Mind Uploading: The ultimate VR concepts
Neuroprosthetics, brain emulation and mind uploading are together perhaps the most extreme end of the trend towards virtual reality. All three are BMI, or Brain-Machine Interface. BMI is an old field, stretching back over six decades, concerned with direct-connecting the human brain to machines, in order to improve the function of both.

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Brain Reading: fMRI
fMRI or functional magnetic resonance imaging, is one of the newest brain imaging technologies for the first decade of the 21st century. It is a basic form of Brain-Computer Interaction.

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Brain Machine Interface Enabled Wheelchair
Researchers at the University of South Florida have developed a wheelchair-mounted robotic arm, which is capable of interfacing with the wheelchair user's thoughts via a non-invasive neural interface.


Industry News containing the Term Brain Computer Interface:

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In a significant advance for brain-machine interfaces, engineers at Brown University have developed a novel wireless, broadband, rechargeable, fully implantable brain sensor that has performed well in animal models for more than a year. The...

Using neural activity recorded from a sheet of electrodes laid directly on the surface of a patient's brain - ECoG or electrocorticography as it is otherwise known - scientists can predict the movement of fingers, as well as which of sever...

A paralyzed patient implanted with a brain-computer interface device has allowed University of Chicago scientists to determine the relationship between brain waves and attention.

Using a small chip containing nearly 100 micro...

In early April, Adam Wilson posted a status update on the social networking Web site Twitter -- just by thinking about it.

Just 23 characters long, his message, "using EEG to send tweet," demonstrates a natural, manageable ...

A new brain-computer interface (BCI) has enabled paralyzed people to move a cursor across a computer screen, not only by merely thinking about it, but also, with no invasive surgery.

This can be considered a step towards deve...