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Diffuse Interreflection

Diffuse reflection is a type of reflection of light from an object where, instead of returning an image of the item being reflected, no matter how distorted, instead the light beams are scattered seemingly randomly. In nature, this results in a general shine where light falls, but no image. In raytracing and raycasting, this is extremely difficult to replicate.

Diffuse interreflection takes the process one stage further. Very rarely do you have just one object in a given scene. It is much more likely that light will bounce off of several different diffuse reflecting objects before reaching the viewer. Thus, ways to model such interactions are sought. They include Photon Mapping, Radiosity, Bidirectional reflectance distribution functions.

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Related Dictionary Entries for Diffuse Interreflection:

Diffuse Interreflection

Direct Light

Indirect Light

Optical Tomography

Real Time Radiography



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Kazunori Umeda and Naoya Ogawa from Chuo University in Tokyo, Japan have created software which allows digital cameras and camera-phones to capture 3D information about a scene rather than just 2D information, turning photos into environmen...

Two UQ Science researchers have proved two famous physical laws that have been widely used for the past 25 years do not always work.

Dr Tony Roberts and PhD student Christophe P. Haynes, from the School of Maths and Physics, ...

Ancient Greek philosophers considered the ability to "know thyself" as the pinnacle of humanity. Now, thousands of years later, neuroscientists are trying to decipher precisely how the human brain constructs our sense of self.

Last week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration fast-tracked a novel treatment for two eye diseases: age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. The treatment, developed by the Lincoln, RI, biotech company Neurotech, is a ca...

Researchers at Stanford University have created an artificial cornea based on a soft hydrogel that is not prone to infection and other complications found with current corneal transplants.

Approximately 40,000 patients under...