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Neuromusclar Electrical Stimulation

Neuromusclar Electrical Stimulation or NMES is another term for Functional Electrical Stimulation. It is an umbrella term to describe the process of using electrical currents, and electrode arrays to reactivate the peripheral nervous system in individuals who have suffered damage to the spinal cord.

In other words, to activate the nerves controlling muscles, and thus movement, in a limb which has no direct connection to the brain any more. As such it is an ideal method for conquering disability in a subset of individuals.

Work on NMES methods has also provided a considerable level of detail on the precise functioning of individual nerves, and the neural coding necessary to activate specific muscle movements. This in turn ties directly into active prosthetics, and VR interfaces based on potential movements; the brain commands the muscles to move, and the virtual body responds instead, since the meaning of said signals is known.

See Also: FES, Neural Coding, TMR, BCI

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Neuromusclar Electrical Stimulation:


Functional Electrical Stimulation

Neuromusclar Electrical Stimulation



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Home Stroke Rehabilitation ? 2014?
Industry News

Its early 2009, and the University of Southampton, in the UK, is developing electrical stimulation technology, designed to help stroke patients relearn movement, by duplicating the natural, original nerve impulses. The technology is a direct offshoot of work to decode the electrical signals of the peripheral nervous system.

A mis-fire in the teledildonics industry, this early attempt at sexual stimulation in VR fell short after it was discovered it had a minor side effect - bodily secretions caused a lethal electrical discharge.

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Self-Charging Power Cell converts Mechanical Energy into Stored Chemical Energy
A different paradigm in power generation for implants and prosthetics, combines electrical generation and storage in a single thin three-layer flexible ribbon. Piezoelectric in nature, it builds long-term storage into the electrical ggeneration process. No other battery or powersource required.

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A Selection Of The Joyous Uses For SimStim
Twenty-five uses to which SimStim, or Simulated Stimulation is likely to be put, which offer true benefits for the world and individuals alike.

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Avatars consume as much electricity as Brazilians
Nick Carr's infamous blog posting on the electrical consumption of SecondLife and each avatar within it, breaking down their carbon emissions to be the same, roughly, as each person in Brazil.

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The Orgasmatron
A prosthetic device, implanted the lumbar region at the back of the spine, that functions, essentially, as an orgasm control circuit, and bypass route for sexual stimulation without actual physical sex.


Industry News containing the Term Neuromusclar Electrical Stimulation:

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Deep brain stimulation, which uses electrical stimulation to jolt the brain in pinpointed locations, is use for treating a number of neurological and behavioral conditions, including Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, severe depression, chroni...

European regulators have given a green light to St. Jude Medical to market the company's Libra? and LibraXP deep brain stimulation (DBS) systems for treatment of symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

The Libra DBS systems func...

The University of Southampton, in the UK, is developing electrical stimulation technology, designed to help stroke patients relearn movement, by duplicating the natural, original nerve impulses. The technology is a direct offshoot of work t...

Tongue controllers are back in the news again, after research presented at the Society of Neurosciences conference in Washington, DC last week demonstrated that electrical stimulation of the tongue could serve as a secondary feedback to vis...

For over a century, scientists have been using electrical stimulation to explore and treat the human brain. The technique has helped identify regions responsible for specific neural functions?for instance, the motor cortex and pleasure cent...