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Artificial General Intelligence

Artificial General Intelligence or AGI is slightly different to standard AI. Instead of expert systems, and image recognition, it refers to common-sense know-how ? general intelligence most humans have when in unfamiliar situations.

That AGI will eventually be developed is a common held belief of many AI developers. Once it is here, AGI is the perfect AI for NPCs and remote agents alike. Such non-specialised intelligent entities would be the only possible way the synthetic equivalent of human intelligence could evolve.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Artificial General Intelligence:


Anti Bioism

Artificial Consciousness

Artificial General Intelligence

Autonomous Device



Deep Learning Software



Evolutionary Algorithm

Evolving Artificial Neural Network

Friendly AI

Natural Language Answering

Neural Computation


Shadow People

Smart Device

Theory of Mind



Whole Brain Emulation


Resources in our database matching the Term Artificial General Intelligence:

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Artificial General Intelligence or AGI is the holy grail of AI research. Instead of expert systems, and image recognition, it refers to common-sense know-how ? general intelligence most humans have when in unfamiliar situations. In other words, the ability of an AI to think and reason as a sentient being, even when confronted by unfamiliar data.

Linked resource
The Open Cognition Project
The open cognition project is an attempt to provide researchers and software engineers from all fields, a holistic base to build a common platform for artificial intelligence programs. The goal of OpenCog is to help bootstrap development of artificial general intelligence.

New approaches to artificial intelligence spring from the idea that intelligence emerges as much from cells, bodies, and societies as it does from evolution, development, and learning. Traditionally, artificial intelligence has been concerned with reproducing the abilities of human brains; newer approaches take inspiration from a wider range of biological structures that that are capable of autonomous self-organisation.

Franklin's tour of contemporary thought on human, animal, and artificial minds introduces creative theories, models, and prototypes of artificial intelligence. After citing the scoffers' arguments regarding the improbability of fashioning artificial minds, Franklin examines some systems that do, in fact, exhibit aspects of intelligence.

Linked resource
Why use Artificial Intelligence?
An older article, pertaining to the use of bots as NPC characters, with their own artificial intelligence programming.

Linked resource
An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
A short article, introducing the concept of Artificial Intelligence. Concise, but thorough.

Linked resource
Some Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence
A look on Artificial Intelligence routines for NPCs from a non-technical source. Lookin at the goals you desire, and the types of behaviour worth considering, without going into the detail of how. A novel viewpoint that does make you think.

Locally Hosted resource
Large Image Display: AI: Artificial Intelligence: Does Not Eat
This scene from AI: Artificial intelligence shows an oft-ignored aspect of the uncanny valley; it shows the flip-side of it, and the effects on the robot, being just shy of able to interact normally with humans.

Locally Hosted resource
Large Image Display: AI: Artificial Intelligence: Facial Access Panel
This robot girl - gynoid - is used as a demonstration model by the film "AI: Artificial Intelligence", to show several aspects of their take on robot behaviour and construction. In this still, the gynoid's face is sliding apart for maintenance. This is not particularly realistic, for several reasons.


Industry News containing the Term Artificial General Intelligence:

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March 6 - 9, 2009
Arlington, Virginia, USA

Continuing the mission of the highly successful first AGI conference (AGI-08) that was held at the University of Memphis in March 2008, AGI-09 will gather an international gro...

March 6th - March 9th 2009
Arlington, Virginia, USA

Continuing the mission of the highly successful first AGI conference (AGI-08) that was held at the University of Memphis in March 2008, AGI-09 will gather an internat...

August 3rd 2011 - August 6th 2011
Mountain View, California, USA

Continuing the mission of the first three AGI conferences (most recently AGI-10, held at the Univ of Lugano, Switzerland), in Aug 2011, AGI-11 gathers an...

March 5th 2010 - March 8th 2010
University of Lugano, Switzerland

Continuing the mission of the first two AGI conferences (AGI-08, that was held at the University of Memphis; and AGI-09, that was held in Washington DC)...

March 1st 2008 - March 3rd 2008
FedEx Institute of Technology, University of Memphis, Memphis, USA

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) research focuses on the original and ultimate goal of AI -- to create intellige...