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Virtual Dictionary


Battlespace is a military VR term. It refers to the simulated battlefield, the physical battlefield, and the forces involved on all sides in the simulated warfare, support units as well as combat.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Battlespace:

Ant Colony Optimisation Algorithms


Weaponized Unmanned System


Resources in our database matching the Term Battlespace:

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Locally Hosted resource
Military Strategies Based On Ants' Movements
Sometimes viable battlespace tactics come out of left field. In this case, a system that in all likelihood will end up as a military asset, started life in several commercial videogames.

Locally Hosted resource
Podcast: P.W. Singer: Military robots and the future of war
This podcast comes from TED 2009. It talks about current technologies in robotics, VR, and battlespace, being used now, in Iraq and other conflicts; about the reduction in cost, and the potential dangerous directions these trends are heading in.


Industry News containing the Term Battlespace:

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(Press Releae) Bohemia Interactive (BI) is pleased to announce that Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2) will be demonstrated at I/ITSEC, to be held at the Florida Convention Center in Orlando, from November 28 - December 1, 2005. BI will be locate...

A standard C6 immersive, CAVE interface has four seven foot square walls, a floor and ceiling, all back-projected display surfaces. The average CAVE has a resolution of 9 pixels in a line per inch, which might not sound a lot. However, whe...

May. 17, 2010 - Helsinki, Finland

We invite you to the fourth International Workshop on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality 2010 in Helsinki, Finland. IWUVR2010 will be held as part of the Pervasive 2010 conference.


At the end of this month, same as every August for the last thirty plus years, three hundred thousand North Koreans will pour over the border of South Korea, and charge the capital, Seoul. Meanwhile, American troops and the South Koreans wi...