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Bezier curve

A Bézier curve is essentially a vector-based curve generated by mathematical formula. The precise formula used varies with the curve complexity. They are used to replace vectors between two or more nodes. The formulae for generating the vectors are still present, but not rendered - they are instead traversed as data for the curves. Using one vector as data produces a straight 'curve', Using two, produces a quadratic curve, three produce a cubic, et al.

These curves are the only means through vectors of producing true curves, and are sometimes assembled into complete 3D polygonal shapes called a beziergon. These shapes are complex, curving surfaces or 3D objects, usually without a single straight line in them.

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Related Dictionary Entries for Bezier curve:

Bezier curve

Bezier Surface


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Architecture's virtual shake-up 2: Physical Buildings, designed Virtually
Industry News

With the accelerating tech curve, and building skills becoming ever more refined for virtual environments as the tech advances, at some point it was obvious that builders in virtual worlds would become architects in the physical one.

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Vehicle Control with Neural Networks
An excellent, easy-to-follow look at using neural networks to control the movement of AI vehicles (or dragons, or whatever). Includes careful break down of how neural networks work, and carries a gradual learning curve upwards.


Industry News containing the Term Bezier curve:

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(Press Release) In their continued efforts to raise the bar in the high-end character animation arena, Di-O-Matic announced Voice-O-Matic version 2 for 3ds max.

Voice-O-Matic 2 simply takes lip synchronization to a new level...

Researchers at the University of St Andrews have made a surprise discovery using light beams that can travel around corners.

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A new behavioral data analysis system under development at UT Dallas focuses on identifying potential Internet threats, but it comes with a nice bonus.

Researchers say the basic idea behind the system - detecting worrisome de...

Traditional cameras and optical sensors have many shortcomings when compared to the organic eyeball. Artificial variants c...

Slipping an slim line, lightweight stereoscopic HMD over your eyes; each of the two screens sending data to a different eye, giving the same angles in the virtual world as light takes to each eye in the physical. Holding a stylus in one han...