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Brain-Body Interface A brain-body interface is defined as any interface that is directly controlled by brain waves, and is used specifically to control either a physical or virtual body, in whole or in part. It is a subset of brain machine interfaces in general. Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.
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in our database matching the Term Brain-Body Interface:
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News containing the Term Brain-Body Interface:
Results by page (07/11/2005)
Neuroprosthetic interfaces for VR are beyond doubt the best route to ultimately use ? tying the brain in directly, and bypassing the physical body, or even the need for a physical body. We are, of course, a long way from the ...
The human brain may be able to include cyborg implants in its representation of the body. When we use tools, our brains incorporate them into the mental body map, researchers at University of Claude Bernard in France have found.
A U.S. boy has become the first teenager to play a two-dimensional video game using only the signals from his brain to make movements. Washington University researchers say the unidentified 14-year-old St. Louis boy's achiev...
Much of the body's chemistry is controlled by the brain -- from blood pressure to appetite to food metabolism. In a study published recently in Developmental Cell, a team of scientists led by Dr. Gil Levkowitz of the Weizmann Institute has...
A paralyzed patient implanted with a brain-computer interface device has allowed University of Chicago scientists to determine the relationship between brain waves and attention. Using a small chip containing nearly 100 micro...