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Virtual Dictionary


The CAVE VR interface is a physical construction whereby the user is inside the projector. They typically wear goggles, or headgear that does not block out the world arond them, but does send data back to the computer system about their head movements and the position of the eyes.

This information is then used to alter projections, produced outside the system, and imposed on the floor, the ceiling, and all walls, to give the user the impression (s)he is actually completely inside an immersive, 3D environment, that moves with their body, and desplays correctly, no matter how they twist and turn their head.

CAVE technology is typically used for high-end research VR due to its high cost, and demands on space.

See also: BAT CAVE

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for CAVE:

Back Projection Screen











Computer-Assisted Virtual Environment Research Network


Digital Light Processor



Duke immersive Virtual Environment

Electromagnetic Tracker

Exocentric Viewpoint

Field of View


Immersive Projection technology


Metallic Distortion

Projected Reality


QuickTime Virtual Reality


Virtual Hand


Resources in our database matching the Term CAVE:

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Locally Hosted resource
Plato's Cave
Despite the name, Plato's Cave, is not a CAVE VR. It is instead, a window on world (monitor based) VR experience, designed as a new radiology visualisation interface.

Locally Hosted resource
Using a CAVE to Model Blood Flow in Children
The Star CAVE is the newest generation of CAVE VR interfaces. We have looked at the technology before. Now, it is time to take an in-depth look at the use of one to create flow simulations for personalised healthcare. Creating customised heart pumps for infants and small children, which don't cause as much clotting as anything else available.

The Star CAVE is the first of the third generation of CAVE VR interfaces - Computer Augmented Virtual Environments. As its name suggests, it is star-like in that it has five corners, like an pictographic star. However, the outline of its form resembles a pentagon, not a pentagram.

Locally Hosted resource
CAVE usage in Research spreads to Microbiology
A CAVE-type installation has been installed in India, for use by the mircobiology research and technology centre IMTECH. Virtalis, the manufacturer of the specific CAVE-variant technology used; the ActiveWall system, have been extremely keen to promote this major VR installation. Great news as it is for them, it is of course even better news for the increasing push to see highly immersive VR interfaces made increasingly pervasive in higher learning.

Resource Type not Available

The Wanda was the first of the wands/3D pointers, which are essentially mice working in three dimensions, with six degrees of movement. Still around today, Wanda is often the input device of choice for CAVE style VR interfaces.

Linked resource
HMDs, Caves & Chameleon: A Human-Centric Analysis of Interaction in Virtual Space
An elegant comparison between three very different forms of hardware-mediated virtual reality - HMD immersive displays, CAVE immersive VR systems, and Chameleon VR systems that carve out a nook for themselves within the physical world.

Complete Website: Mudders' Cave
A site dedicated to player-to-player communication, and a small group of MUDs. An established site, with a precise focus towards the players, not the worlds. Also includes a moderate-sized database of player-names, and an attempt to find out why players leave individual worlds.


Industry News containing the Term CAVE:

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Case Western Reserve and the Cleveland Hearing and Speech Centre are experimenting with a total-immersion surround VR lab, as a tool to truly help children with speech disorders communicate in the outside world.

Basically, th...

The original CAVE VR set-up at at Penn State University, is receiving a makeover. Penn State's Information Technology department, and the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture have remade the facility together, developing appli...

A standard C6 immersive, CAVE interface has four seven foot square walls, a floor and ceiling, all back-projected display surfaces. The average CAVE has a resolution of 9 pixels in a line per inch, which might not sound a lot. However, whe...

Ground-penetrating radar has been used to nondestructively map an ant colony for the first time.

The results have been digitised and fed into an interactive visualisation system so that the colony can be explored virtually, f...

Matsushita, which owns the Panasonic brand, is expecting to start selling the massive plasma flatscreens by the end of this year. Large enough to be an electronic billboard, or an entire wall of a CAVE all on its own, the price ofthe new di...