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Cathode Ray Tube

A CRT or Cathode Ray Tube, is among the earliest display methods, consisting of a long tube which electrons are fired down. Large, bulky, and heavy, it nonetheless still has the highest picture quality of available display systems, along with being the only one of the three display systems - LCD, Plasma, CRT - in general use that can display true darkness and black.

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Cathode Ray Tube



Resources in our database matching the Term Cathode Ray Tube:

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You Tube of Claudia Mitchell and the first haptic, bionic arm
Ex-Marine Claudia Mitchell became the first woman to receive a bionic arm. This video shows the truly revolutionary range of motion and freedom, that allows.

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Phone that recognises tube stops
This podcast is a three-minute snippet from BBC News, hailing the advent of augmented reality. It was broadcast on UK national TV in August 2009, so it missed the actual advent of AR by about 60 years, and the public?s uptake by about a half decade. Still, it serves as an excellent introduction to the topic.

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You Tube of the first haptic, bionic arm versus a non-haptic
A comparison. Two women, both with prosthetic limbs. On the left, a standard prosthetic. On the right, a haptic prosthetic giving touch feedback. Who can complete the task faster, and is there much difference?


Industry News containing the Term Cathode Ray Tube:

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The need for improved monitoring of neurotrauma patients has resulted in the development of a prototype of a novel, multitasking ?lab on a tube? at the University of Cincinnati (UC).

UC engineers, working to fill a need expre...

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati have created a "lab-on-a-tube" device that can drain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) while monitoring the pressure, oxygen content, temperature, and glucose within the intracranial space. The research...

A University of Florida engineering researcher has crafted a nickel-sized imaging device that uses organic light-emitting diode technology similar to that found in cell phone or laptop screens for night vision. But unlike night vision goggl...

Wi-Fi routers are essentially two-way radios that connect digital devices to the Internet. But in many buildings, providing complete coverage is a challenge. Radio “dead spots” can occur in areas where solid walls or appliances block a rout...

Pacemaker batteries may one day be kept topped up by the beating of the heart that the pacemaker itself maintains.

The generator, developed at Southampton University Hospital in the UK, consists of two small liquid-filled bal...