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Computational Neuroscience

Computational neuroscience attempts to understand the brain by making mathematical or software models of neural systems.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Computational Neuroscience:

Computational Neuroscience

Neural Engineering


Resources in our database matching the Term Computational Neuroscience:

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Changing the Streets through Virtual Reality
Industry News

Before this month, the most helpful data computational models of traffic flow could produce, consisted of a two dimensional view of the roads with little green and red dots indicating vehicles in motion under different conditions. Very computational, and very accurate, but this sort of output is not very easy for the layperson to understand.

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Brain Briefings: Taste Detectors
A layperson-designed article from the American Society for Neuroscience, explaining the basics of how the sense of taste functions, from a chemical and neural point of view.

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Brain Briefings: Smell and the Olfactory System
A layperson-designed article from the American Society for Neuroscience, explaining the basics of how the sense of smell functions, from a chemical and neural point of view.

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Rewiring the Brain: Inside the New Science of Neuroengineering
A wired article about Dr Ed Boyden and his lab, at the cutting edge of applied neuroscience. A fairly lengthy and in depth article on the process of reverse engineering and enhancing the brain, and showcasing the state of development of the science as of early 2009.

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VR for Research: Not the Medium, but Delivering the Message
We have heard before about VR based schools, VR based colleges and informal institutions. Now, the first formal scientific organization, the Meta Institute for Computational Astrophysics or MICA, has formed, entirely within the bounds of virtual environments.

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Encoding smells in the Brain: A must for recreation?
Industry News

In early January 2008, a Rice University study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that socioemotional meanings, including sexual ones, are conveyed in human sweat. This raises the question for immersive spaces, if such dynamic scents need to be synthetically reproduced to provide a firmer social environment in tele-mediation.

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Safety Simulations benefit from Manufacturing Simulations
Even the most vigorous, modern crash test simulation, with all known variables accounted for, can be wrong. Sometimes these differences are unavoidable with the computational power limitations of the simulation computers, sometimes its another, unforeseen cause.

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Optical Tracking of Zebrafish Neural Impulses
Zebrafish are handy little critters, as far as neuroscience goes. These tiny, mostly transparent little fish have brains that whilst greatly simplified, have a structure remarkably similar in basic form, to our own. Add in that aforementioned near-transparency, and it becomes possible under the correct lighting conditions, to literally see right into their brains, to the point where you can practically watch as a thought takes place.

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Hemisphere Lighting With Radiosity Maps
Rendering of lighting in outdoor scenes is a paramount concern. To truly be realistic, the light levels constantly vary, and the sun (or suns) are not usually even the primary lightsource! All that adds up to is a computational disaster, unless some way is found to render lightsoure data quickly, and easilly....

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Render Smoke And Fog Without Being A Computation Hog
Computer scientists from UC San Diego have developed a way to generate images like smoke-filled bars, foggy alleys and smog-choked cityscapes without the computational drag and slow speed of previous computer graphics methods.


Industry News containing the Term Computational Neuroscience:

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11th September 2012 - 14th September 2012,
Granada, Spain

IEEE CIG is the premier conference for research that combines computational intelligence with games. The domain of the conference includes all sorts of computa...

The ambitious Blue Brain Project in Switzerland has reached an impressive milestone.

Researchers have demonstrated that their computer simulation of the neocortical column, arguably the most complex part of a mammal's brain...

Education is on the cusp of a transformation because of recent scientific findings in neuroscience, psychology, and machine learning that are converging to create foundations for a new science of learning.

Writing in Friday'...

By exploiting the full computational power of the Japanese supercomputer, K computer, researchers from the RIKEN HPCI Program for Computational Life Sciences, the Okinawa Institute of Technology Graduate University (OIST) in Japan and Forsc...

Understanding the arrangement of atoms in a solid — one of solids’ fundamental properties — is vital to advanced materials research. For decades, two camps of researchers have been working to develop methods to understand these so-called cr...