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Virtual Dictionary

Sorry, No matches were found in our database for the term Computer-Generated%20Forces. Perhaps you could offer a definition for submission? (Legal notes on dictionary submissions) Please note, this is a virtual reality / augmented reality database. Terms on other subjects, will be rejected.




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Ethical AI: Part I
Artificial intelegence, particularly that of agents and NPCs, is on a steep climb, as it races towards the goal of a self-motivated, computer generated individual. Yet, what will we do, when we have self-sentient computer programs? Will they have rights, will they have desires? What will become of them?

This book?s author essentially sees CGI imagery as the next great art-form. This book, is an art book, filled with lavish full colour spreads of image captures from passive VR. Both TV and feature film type.

British Sky Broadcasting (Sky) is the operator of the UK's largest digital pay television platform. On weeknights they operate Sky Vegas. In September 2007 this service changed to become interactive, computer generated horseracing.

This book, by author and renowned VR expert Howard Rhinegold, was first published in 1991 ? nearly twenty years ago. All those years back, Rhinegold still managed to predict VR applications that are only just being realised today. Walking through computer mediated environments, with the power of physical legs; having targeted muscle re-enervation provide the neural connectivity of physical legs if you have none. Doctors treating patients remotely, or operating on precise mock-ups of patients before they lay eyes on them for the first time. Touring buildings, rendered in 3D, from blueprints alone.

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Games Innovation Database - Procedual Content Generation
The Games Innovation Database is a repository of all original innovations in computer gaming. This article looks at Rogue, the first adventure game to ever use procedurally generated content, to create its levels, and why this worked so well.

The 2004 Disney Channel Original Movie Pixel Perfect, is not available outside of Disney broadcast releases, but the soundtrack is. Among the tracks on it, are three songs, each with multiple meanings yet, from the way they were presented in the film, it is clear they were meant to refer to aspects of the life of a computer generated singer.

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Makers of Dusk and Dawn
A look at the ultimate future of MMOs and social VR - player generated content. Second Life have worked out they have the equivalent of $400 million dollars of creative input per year - how to leverage that kind of player drive, and grade it in a MMO?

A basic problem in computer vision is to understand the structure of a physical sceene from just one or two camera?s perspective. This book attempts to provide a basic background in everything you need to know to be able to create a computer vision system, and train it to deal with the physical world.

An applied introduction to modern computer vision, focusing on a set of computational techniques for 3-D imaging. Covers a wide range of fundamental problems encountered within computer vision and provides detailed algorithmic and theoretical solutions for each. Each chapter concentrates on a specific problem and solves it by building on previous results.

A handy dictionary of terminology in printed format for 2D and 3D computer modelling.


Industry News containing the Term Computer-Generated%20Forces:

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A US gym has installed specially-adapted exercise bikes that recycle energy generated by people as they work out.

The Green Microgym in Portland, Oregon, aims to be a carbon neutral exercise facility through the use of solar ...

Microsoft Research has demonstrated their approach to developing visual augmented reality - superimposing computer-generated information on top of a video feed in real time....

"So real, its frightening" has been the issue with computer generated humans over the last couple of years. We've been 99.5% there to creating human faces as believable as the physical variety for a while now - and that last .5% that's ...

Soon computers may be able to generate eerily accurate sounds for film soundtracks. For the first time, a team of computer scientists has reproduced the sound of flowing and dripping by modelling the way water creates sound in the physical ...

So, if you were the government of a developed, and cultured country, what would you send as your official ambassador? A highly trained, and skilled diplomat? A computer generated artificial intelligence? Yep, Japan chose the latter o...