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Wireless Data Swifter than Wired Data
One of the real issues with wireless data transfer is the slow speed at which it transfers data. Near-future high-sensory-bandwidth systems such as virtual reality and simulated stimulation are even at this stage, pushing the limits of bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Anxious to download his wedding videos more quickly, a German researcher has created a 1GB/sec system, with the potential for wireless 10GB/sec.

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When even industry insiders think of virtual reality systems, and of the data visualisation sector in particular, it's the larger, multi-user data worlds with relatively exotic hardware that tend to leap straight into mind, as opposed to the single user software suites that process and display data in 2D or 3D form.

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Google Deepmind: Should patients trust the company with their data?
A BBC article looking at the pros and cons of Google's DeepMind AI system for sifting through patient's medical data looking for missed connections between symptoms. It consideres the difficulties inherent in letting a private company comb through that most sensitive data, raising legal and privacy concerns along the way.

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Handshake and Transmit Data
Industry News

Industry news, originally posted 23-02-2005. The human body is now a transmission medium for computer data. Just shake hands to transfer that file.

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Two-Way Data Neuroprosthetic Implants
IMEC, a nanotechnology company out of Leuven, Belgium, has developed a new approach to neuroprosthetics, an electrode probe that is capable of two-way data transfer. It can read neighbouring electrical impulses, and at the same time, transmit new impulses back.

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Swapping Data Across Devices with a Gesture
The stuff of numerous sci-fi films – the concept of with no more than a gesture, moving data wholesale from one computer to the next, has been made real, with a device not only functional in the lab, but already on its way to mass market commercial use, integrated in satellite and cable TV units.

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Second Life: Virtual Economy Key Metrics, Feb 2007
A compilation of key metrics for Second Life population data, released by Linden Labs for anyone desiring to set up within this environment. Data is in Excel format.

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Standards > MedX3D
The Medical Working Group of the X3D consortium is developing an open interoperable standard for human anatomy representation. This standard works with multiple types of scans (CAT, MRI, PET, and others), and allows equipment manufacturers to be able to export data collected from the scanning machines into a shared data format.

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Using Thin Clients for Medical Data
A thin client is any computer system basically, that uses an application for whom all processing occurs on a central server, with just the results shipped back to the client for display. This paradigm is ideal for medical data, so why is it only now being considered?

Exploring geovisualization, is a tome dedicated to the visualisation of data. Specifically, visualising data of a physical or non-physical nature, in the format of geographic landscaping ? in other words, highly visual, highly graphical formats.


Industry News containing the Term Data%20Gloves:

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Princeton University researchers have now designed algorithms which learn from data that they don't know anything about ahead of time and then tune themselves to better handle those types of data. The key is that the algorithms learn from ...

Search giant Google has said it is "close" to resolving issues that have prevented it from passing a hard disk of data to German authorities.

The disk contains wi-fi data Google Street View cars gathered by mistake.

Forcing Google to delete user data after six months could dent its ability to predict pandemics such as swine flu, said the search giant's co-founder.

Larry Page said he thought more debate was needed around the issue of sto...

Following a year of calibration and validation by an international team of scientists, fully-validated, research-quality sea surface height data from the NASA/French Space Agency Ocean Surface Topography Mission/Jason-2 satellite are now av...

On Wednesday, Google announced that it would open its servers to geographic data belonging to anyone. This means that developers will be able to quickly build a location-based Web service without having to also manage their own data server....