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Virtual Dictionary

Depth Map

A depth map, also known as a Z-Depth, Depth Buffering, or a Depth Pass, is one possible layer of a multi-layered render pass. It is a specialised pass, intended to make subsequent passes less computationally expensive, and so is one of the first passes made in a render.

It works by scanning through the visible scene (or the whole scene in some cases) and stores the vertex locations of all objects relative to distance from the user, so that calculations such as occlusion or Z-fighting can be worked out as early as possible. It provides this spatial information to all further render passes.

If speed is of the essence, a depth map is pre-made as a compiled lookup table separate to the rendering process. However, this type of depth map is often slow to change, and so difficult to integrate into a dynamic, changing environment. It is most frequently used in static environments such as gameworlds and medical VRs, as opposed to social virtual reality applications.

See Also: Z-fighting, Irregular Z-buffer, Z-buffer, Depth Perception, Depth Fog, Depth of Field, Depth Blur, Z-culling, Z-buffering, Z-Sorting, Depth Cues, Render Pass

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Depth Map:

Depth Map

Depth Pass



Resources in our database matching the Term Depth Map:

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I 0Wn Y0u, d0Od! Part Deux
A detailed, in-depth look at why selling content from within MMOs, to others can damage the business on the company in question, by looking at the effect it has on the costs of the MMO.

Linked resource
Unicorns: The Unicorn's Meadow
A great little site, going into depth abut the unicorn. Well worth a look.

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Role-Play vs. Multi-play
An argument that playing multiple characters or alts on a roleplaying world, decreases the ability to roleplay in any depth. Well reasoned.

Linked resource
Losing Players to Responsibility
A short, poignant article on the effects in any game or social VR environment where an individual from the userbase shows promise, and is given more and more responsibility until they feel they are completely out of their depth.

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'Addicted' to Warcraft?
The BBC have published an in depth piece following up earlier studies on addiction to the MMO World of Warcraft, examining both sides of the addiction phenomenon.

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A Brief History of Roleplaying, Part Two
A second look at the history of Role-Playing, with more in depth coverage of how the different types of system which encourage role-play have evolved over time.

Locally Hosted resource
Large Image Display: Connecting Teeth to Artificial Bone
A much more in-depth look at the concept of designing multiple implants inside the body, so you can guarantee they will always connect perfectly, as demonstrated by the prototype LayerWise jaw and its successive implants.

Locally Hosted resource
CBS 60 Minutes: Harnessing the Power of the Brain
CBS News have produced a 12 minute segment of their '60 minutes' documentary, which takes a look in depth at the development of BrainGate and other direct-implantation Brain-Computer Interfaces, or BMI.

Locally Hosted resource
What is a MUSH?
This short article attempts to define what a MUSH is, for the completely uninitiated. By it's very nature, this article lacks any depth, but serves as an excellent grounding for those just entering the sphere of virtual worlds.

Locally Hosted resource
Large Image Display: Sol Bianca: F-310 Mega-Arms Neural Interface Gun
An in-depth technical look at the neural-controlled weapon in Sol Bianca. How it would actually function, and the basics of how we would go about recreating it in functional form, from technology available today.


Industry News containing the Term Depth Map:

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(Press Release) Cheetah3D 3.3 has been released. Version 3.3 adds many new features like rendering depth of field. When depth of field is enabled distant objects or objects which are very close to the camera will appear blurred. This will a...

Google plans to create a 3D oceanographic map, now called Google Ocean.

People will be able to see the underwater topography, called bathymetry; search for particular spots or attractions; and navigate through the digital env...

An new breakthrough in liquid crystal displays offers screen brightness and colour depth over one hundred and twelve times that currently available, eliminating the need for multiple ranges of brighness on a display....

New research provides insight into how the brain can execute different actions in response to the same stimulus. The study, published by Cell Press in the April 16 issue of the journal Neuron, suggests that information from single brain cel...

Argosy Publishing, Inc. has released their 3D anatomic visualisation of the human body to the public through their Internet Explorer only site.

t is a powerful tool to look at the body at every depth and from every an...