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Sorry, No matches were found in our database for the term Direct%20Retinal%20Display. Perhaps you could offer a definition for submission? (Legal notes on dictionary submissions) Please note, this is a virtual reality / augmented reality database. Terms on other subjects, will be rejected.




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Approval sought for Brain Implant
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BrainGate. By now, its become almost a household name in neuralscience. This short news snippet from November 2003 is part of a series, chronicling the development of this direct interface system.

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Leaving the Best Memories of Your World
A study commissioned by researchers at Ohio State University, intended to look at consumer feelings on holidays and vacations, has an unexpected direct bearing on virtual world administration.

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CBS 60 Minutes: Harnessing the Power of the Brain
CBS News have produced a 12 minute segment of their '60 minutes' documentary, which takes a look in depth at the development of BrainGate and other direct-implantation Brain-Computer Interfaces, or BMI.

A chronicle of some of the major advances in direct brain connection to computer systems which were developed, or significantly refined during 2006.

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Flexing, clear computer components
In an augmented world, you may well have one or more of three distinct types of computer interface on, or even in your body. There are augmenting reality devices, prosthetic components, and direct-wired virtual reality interfaces. All three share aspects in common. Among them, that they all require considerable computing power as close to the implant as possible.

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VR Interfaces: Leapfrog Tag
Leapfrog's Tag reader is a direct derivative of several fairly recent augmented reality technologies. It is a reading aid for 4-8 year olds, designed not to teach reading, but to help hone reading ability. It is designed really, for those occasions when parents are too busy to spend time helping their children master concepts.

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Home Stroke Rehabilitation ? 2014?
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Its early 2009, and the University of Southampton, in the UK, is developing electrical stimulation technology, designed to help stroke patients relearn movement, by duplicating the natural, original nerve impulses. The technology is a direct offshoot of work to decode the electrical signals of the peripheral nervous system.

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The Lawnmower Man was a cult classic film that itself was responsible for a great deal of renewed VR research back in the 90s. Debuting in 1992, and starring Pierce Brosnan as a scientist, attempting to utilise brain adaptation technology for use in military technology. Direct brain manipulation made chimps smarter, able to use military equipment on suicide missions.

This book is essentially the direct outpourings from the designer?s mind on the foundational skills behind the design and architecture of a game, or gameworld. Of course, since virtual environments, even non-gaming, share many albeit not all of the same design features, a designer lacking these skills, risk overlooking usability issues and immersion values, without which users may struggle. This is especially true in persistent VR.


Industry News containing the Term Direct%20Retinal%20Display:

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New research on the effects of blast waves could lead to an enhanced understanding of head injuries and improved military helmet design.

Using numerical hydrodynamic computer simulations, Lawrence Livermore scientists Willy M...

The power gadgets waste when converting alternating current to direct current could be cut by a third by switching to converters that use gallium nitride transistors instead of silicon ones.

These transistors will also make a...

Researchers have what they say is the first direct proof of a very old idea: that when we use a tool?even for just a few minutes?it changes the way our brain represents the size of our body. In other words, the tool becomes a part of what i...

For the past 200 years, researchers have debated whether the illusion of motion in a static image is caused by mechanisms in the eye, in the brain, or by a combination of both. Because measuring these kinds of physiological responses is dif...

(Press Release) Direct and indirect sales momentum gathers for the i-LIMB Hand

Touch Bionics, developer of the world's first commercially available bionic hand, and SPS (Southern Prosthetic Supply) the leading U.S. O&P distr...