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Virtual Dictionary

Duke immersive Virtual Environment

The DiVE, or Duke immersive Virtual Environment is a form of CAVE VR interface room for multiple participants, used by Duke University. First brought online in 1995, it remains one of the earliest constructed CAVE systems, still in use.

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Duke immersive Virtual Environment


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World Review: Taurius
World Review: Taurius welcome screen
Not every persistent, immersive virtual environment is geared for kids, or is even suitable for them. At the same time, adult does not have to mean sexual. Adult can simply be a nice, mature environment where friends can relax and interact.
Special Client Required

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Virtual Environment For Dentistry - VDITS
The Virtual Dental Implant Training Simulation Program or VDITS is designed to help students in diagnostics, decision making and treatment protocols. However, its use is ultimately limited because VDITS is a fishbowl VR interface, not an immersive one - it expects participation via monitor screen, mouse and keyboard, rather than a full on virtual experience, at least at this stage.

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HMDs, Caves & Chameleon: A Human-Centric Analysis of Interaction in Virtual Space
An elegant comparison between three very different forms of hardware-mediated virtual reality - HMD immersive displays, CAVE immersive VR systems, and Chameleon VR systems that carve out a nook for themselves within the physical world.

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Autonomous Shrapnel Remover
We are still a long way from an autonomous robot surgeon in general surgery, but perhaps not as far removed as it was believed. Bioengineers at Duke University have developed a laboratory robot that can successfully locate tiny pieces of metal within flesh and guide a needle to its exact location, without any human assistance.

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PC Specs for Virtual Worlds: General
In order to appreciate the true majesty of any virtual environment, you require the most apt hardware for displaying sensory data that you can afford. For the most part, this article is directed towards home uses of VR. The home user with a seven-year-old office computer, who can barely access a modern virtual environment, lagged to death and not understanding why.

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Book Quotes: Hypercards and File Transfers
Basically, a hypercard is a file. Not any type of file, but a file in general. Or, more specifically, it is a standardised object that represents a file in a 3D immersive environment. No different really than an icon. Tied to the data in the file, when a hypercard changes hands, the file changes computers.

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Encoding smells in the Brain: A must for recreation?
Industry News

In early January 2008, a Rice University study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that socioemotional meanings, including sexual ones, are conveyed in human sweat. This raises the question for immersive spaces, if such dynamic scents need to be synthetically reproduced to provide a firmer social environment in tele-mediation.

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Virtual-Reality Program Recreates Traumatic Memory
An innovative project at Tripler Army Medical Centre utilises an immersive virtual reality interface to take patients back to the war zones they experienced, to treat their battlefield stress.

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Waldo Avatars
In order for a virtual environment to truly be an environment for us, the avatars we utilise have to be so much more than they are now. They have to become extensions of our will as well as of our selves, bodily appendages or recreations that enable fine movement, and the manifestation of physical movement or the will to move physically, recreated in the every detail, in the collaborative, virtual space.

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An Omnipresent Environment
The concept of a totally surrounding, totally enveloping virtual environment; the logical progression for VR.


Industry News containing the Term Duke immersive Virtual Environment:

Results by page

The original CAVE VR set-up at at Penn State University, is receiving a makeover. Penn State's Information Technology department, and the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture have remade the facility together, developing appli...

(Press Release) Immersive Media Corp., has announced a research collaboration with the Pacific Telehealth & Technology Hui (the "Hui") located at Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, HI.

The Hui acquired an IMC Telemmers...

Eilif Trondsen, program director of the Virtual Worlds Consortium for Innovation and Learning spoke recently at Industry Canada, OCRI and the National Research Council on the growing importance of 'virtual worlds.

There he s...

A recent patent filing by defense contractor Lockheed Martin gives us a peek into a portable virtual reality simulator the company is cooking up.

The patent application is titled: "Portable immersive environment using motio...

Veteran games developer 3D Realms has closed down because of a lack of funds.

Founded in 1987, the firm popularised the concept of shareware gaming and published the seminal Duke Nukem and Wolfenstein 3D first-person shooters...