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The False Reject Rate or FRR, is another attribute of biometric systems. It refers to the frequency of false rejects in a biometric interface. That is to say, the frequency that valid, acceptable data is falsely rejected as being incorrect.

With a biometric access or security system, this is the likelihood that the right person will be denied access as their data is not 'quite right'. Perhaps they have a sore heel and move a different way to normal, or they have a contaminant in their blood.

With a biometric interface such as a neural interface, or a gesture control system, minimising the the FRR is just as important. The more precise the measure being sought – such as a specific electrical code to move a muscle for example – then the more subtle differences between individuals and overlaps between code types will play a part in the system's attempt to determine whether the input was valid or not.

A high false reject rate creates as much frustration as a high false match rate (FMR). However, unlike with security systems, a high FRR is just as compromising to system integrity as a high FMR.

As with most if not all biometric error rates, the more intelligent and adaptive the biometric system is, the lower the error rate will be. In order to be successful, a biometric interface must learn its' users ways over time.

See Also: Biometric, Behaviometric, False Match Rate, False Accept Rate, Biometric characteristic, False Non-Match Rate, ROC

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