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Virtual Dictionary


For the virtual, fidelity means accuracy of reproduction - how closely a virtual environment is able to replicate the physical. No virtual environment yet created has anywhere near real fidelity, but, as the technology grows, we are steadily marching closer.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Fidelity:

Alternate Life

Artificial Ecology

Brain Implant



Facial MoCap

Facial motion capture


Foci of Fidelity

Height Mapped Terrain

High Fidelity Facial Motion Capture

Hyper Real


Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Microscopy



Neural Implant

Performance Capture



Quantitative Electroencephalography

Recursive Simulation

Reproduction Fidelity

Rumble Feedback

Simulated reality

Virtual MIS

Virtual Reality Application

Visual Immersive Interface

VR Application



Resources in our database matching the Term Fidelity:

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Locally Hosted resource
Combining MoCap and Gesture Recognition
MoCap - Motion Capture - for all its impressive abilities, has definite limitations in terms of sensory fidelity, the expense and bulk of the rig. Gesture control is cheap and captures every little movement, but easily overwhelmed. Is a hybrid system possible?

Locally Hosted resource
Brain Reading: Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Diffusion spectrum imaging is a new technique at time of writing, which allows magnetic resonance brain imaging, at a much higher level of fidelity than fMRI permits.

Locally Hosted resource
Electrocorticography Grows Up
Electrocorticography or ECoG is a method of neural interface in which an electrode array, quite like a fine mesh, is draped over the upper surface of the brain directly, under the skull. A section of the skull is removed to allow the array to be fed in, then replaced. The result is near-identical to a high fidelity EEG that is under the skull and thus away from its pattern dampening properties.

Resource Type not Available


Industry News containing the Term Fidelity:

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Most of the companies making games for mobile phones have got it wrong, says Trip Hawkins, founder of games behemoth Electronic Arts.

"A lot of people have the wrong reference point about what has happened before," he said....

On Monday, Wi-Fi chip manufacturers will be announcing a new industry forum to help accelerate development on faster Wi-Fi standards. Intel, Broadcom, Marvel and Atheros have sidestepped the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers...

It had to happen, really. Given the increasing fidelity of modern graphics, the increasing sophistication of VR, and the over abundance of hormones possessed by all too many developers. Welcome to the world's first beauty pageant for vi...

A group of researchers at Hebrew University have taken a novel approach to the measurement of brain activity, which is opening possibilities as to how one day a metal-and-plastic limb might operate just as effectively as its flesh-and-blood...

nvensys Operations Management, a global provider of technology systems, software solutions and consulting services to the process and manufacturing industries, today announced the commercial availability of its new EYESim virtual reality im...