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Flexible Object Animation

Flexible object animation is extremely computationally expensive, yet produces utterly realistic animation for organic forms and cloth. It is the process of animating flexible objects ? objects whose shape is deformable, often in real-time. The expense stems from ensuring the flexible object flows correctly as it animates, and all internal collisions are checked for ? meaning that often, each node of the mesh must be parsed in each frame of animation, to check for collisions and react accordingly.

See Also: Flexible Object, Rigid Object Animation, Malleable Object Animation

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Flexible Object Animation:

Flexible Object Animation

Malleable Object Animation

Rigid Object Animation


Resources in our database matching the Term Flexible Object Animation:

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A 3D Scanner for which No Object is Too Big or Too Small
3D scanners are considered the normal way to turn a physical object into a 3D construct in avirtual environment. Detailed, efficient, relatively fast - providing your object is roughly the same size as your scanner. If it is not, well, maybe a new paradigm is required...

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External-Grade 3D Scanners
All 3D scanners have had one thing in common: You place the object inside the scanner, which performs a scan either around the object or through the object. However, if the item is too big to be encapsulated in this fashion, and you still have to scan it, you need an entirely different type of scanner.

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Wafer Thin Flexible Integrated Circuits
A team of researchers from the University of Pennsylvania has shown that nanoscale particles, or nanocrystals, of the semiconductor cadmium selenide can be "printed" or "coated" on flexible plastics to form high-performance electronics that can be bent, flexed, and even folded, without losing their capability to computate.

One of those rarest of rare books: An animation tome that is not tied down to a specific package. Instead, expect a hefty dose of mathematics, as the author leads you through a variety of animation techniques, both 2D and 3D, from a formulae and expression based perspective.

Timing for Animation by this pair of authors, is back in print. This book, over 20 years old, was and still is the definitive tome for animation. Whether drawn sculpted or CGI, making something move realistically is all about timing. Timing first, second, and last. When to move, when not to move, what to move, and how much to move.

There always seems to be an artificial disconnect between the skillset necessary to draw in 2D and that necessary to animate with CGI. Many books treat it as if you have to unlearn all you know from one, to learn the other, even when that is clearly not the case. This tome shows why it is not.

This tome is, as the4 title suggests, more of an overview for the subject than a detailed how-to. It covers everything from the very basics of computerised model animation, right through rigging and boning, on to timing and lighting ? but it does so without going into painstaking detail on any one topic.

This book is an animation expert's attempt to ?dump his kit? as the author puts it, and share with others the fundamentals of animation that are not generally taught outside of industry practice, and always were taught behind closed doors.

Much of the book is understandably dedicated to cinematography and animation using theatric props. However, even these sections provide insight on how to create an interactive 3D area that achieves dramatic effect almost effortlessly for those entering it, or different approaches to creating a winged avian, that the mind of a visitor will still process as a graceful bird.

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Proof of Concept for “The 3D Printer Problem”
For SIGGRAPH 2013, one joint research team presented a proof of concept method to solve the 3D printer problem - the ability of any 3D printer to theoretically counterfeit any physical object small enough for it to print. They demonstrate a terahertz-radiation 'watermark' that can be 3D printed inside a genuine object, is easy to scan for, and very difficult to duplicate from the scan data.


Industry News containing the Term Flexible Object Animation:

Results by page

As this BBC article shows, social virtual worlds like Second Life, and social gameworlds like Lineage 2 and World of Warcraft, dominated the Machinima Festi...

10 June 2009 - 10 June 2009
Edinburgh, UK

Facial animation is a broad and exciting area of research drawing on multiple disciplines: computer graphics and animation provide the means to render and display a face; com...

June 17th - 19th, 2009
Amsterdam, Netherlands

CASA is the leading international conference in the field of computer animation and social agents. CASA 2009 will provide great opportunities to interact with leading expe...

The Flexible Display Center, at Arizona State University, hopes to have flexible displays ready for test trials in approximately three years. The possibilities of using flexible displays are endless and one day will be used in many portable...

Tools developed by European researchers bring cut-and-paste simplicity to gaming and animation. Users will be able to cut-and-paste complex elements like emotion, tone of voice and facial expression, making compelling new content, cheaply a...