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Virtual Dictionary

Grid Illusion

Scintillation or grid illusion occurs when dots seem to appear and disappear at the intersections of two lines crossing each other vertically and horizontally. It is a function of human vision, and can affect either textures, or small objects.

It can be minimised by proper antialiasing.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

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Grid Illusion



Resources in our database matching the Term Grid Illusion:

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Linked resource
Mobprog faq
Mobprogs, scripting for MUD NPCs - the illusion of AI through triggers. This Mobprog FAQ attempts to answer the issues you will likely face when trying to create the illusion of intelligence this way.

Locally Hosted resource
ActiveWorlds: The Cell-Grid
An overview of the ActiveWorlds world grid which comprises the foundation of all ActiveWorlds virtual environments. Intended as both an overview for the uninitiated, and a tutorial for those actively working with such.

Locally Hosted resource
Thirteenth Floor: World Building
What was nice about the world-building method used in floor 13, was it did not cut off suddenly, like many if not most worldlets in modern times do. Usually you have a grid, of a set number of cells arranged into a square or rectangular shape. Up until the edge of that grid, everything seems normal, then suddenly all the trees, rocks, vegetation, man-made objects stop dead.

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Connected cars
An article from the BBC on the coming convergence of smart grid computing and augmented reality for motoring - cars that know what is ahead and react to changing conditions.

Locally Hosted resource
Self Recognition as a Perception Issue
A study on rubber hand illusion as applied to the face, which raises further questions about the nature of self, providing further evidence that who we are and who we perceive ourselves to be, are not as intertwined as once thought, and both are subject to change based on sensory stimuli.

Locally Hosted resource
Changing Self Perspective with VR
A key set of experiments building on the rubber hand illusion, have opened the floodgates for full sensory immersion - proving that the brain will identify with the body it perceives itself to be in, not necessarily the body it is housed in.

Linked resource
Mobprog Guide
Mobprogs, scripting for MUD NPCs - the illusion of AI through triggers. Through mobprog scripts, your non-player characters can be as immersive as your imagination can create. Article written with ROM Mobprogs in mind.

Moove: In Pictures
Moove: In Pictures welcome screen
Moove is an interconnected virtual environment that makes no pretences about its purpose. It is designed for intimacy, romance and love. A community driven, grid computing, sprawling complex whose one goal is to foster friendships and lead to romantic engagements.
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World Review: Moove
World Review: Moove welcome screen
Moove is an interconnected virtual environment that makes no pretences about its purpose. It is designed for intimacy, romance and love. A community driven, grid computing, sprawling complex whose one goal is to foster friendships and lead to romantic engagements.
Special Client Required


Industry News containing the Term Grid Illusion:

Results by page

IBM has announced it is teaming up with Harvard University to launch a new worldwide grid project aimed at finding ways to make solar energy cheaper and more efficient.

People, universities and companies around the globe dona...

Finally awake to the possibilities of grid computing, Microsoft is moving to make Windows compatible with computer grids.

Microsoft is creating a "Cluster Compute" version of Windows and intends to work more closely with gr...

IOActive, a professional security services firm, has concluded that with $500 of equipment and materials and a background in electronics and software engineering, a hacker could infiltrate current generations of sensor webs such as those us...

October 4th - 6th, 2010
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA

Developing the smart grid has become an urgent global priority as its economic, environmental, and societal benefit will be enjoyed by generations to come. Informatio...

For the past 200 years, researchers have debated whether the illusion of motion in a static image is caused by mechanisms in the eye, in the brain, or by a combination of both. Because measuring these kinds of physiological responses is dif...