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Virtual Dictionary

Gustatory Interface

A gustatory interface, is a VR interface which is more theoretical than practical at current technology levels. It is essentially a feedback interface from the VR, to the sense of taste, allowing different foodstuffs to be tasted by the tongue and chewed by the teeth.

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Gustatory Interface


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Think of a concept, and you taste it
Industry News

Lexical-gustatory synaesthesia is an odd condition, very rare. Its symptoms are such that when the sufferer thinks of a concept, their brain accesses its taste memories, and calls forth the taste of an associated food, as strong as it would be if they were tasting it now.

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The Human Brain has a Network Backbone
An unexpected discovery of a hierarchical networking scaffold inside the human brain itself, has interesting implications for future neuroprosthetics. Rather than having to interface with the grey matter right where computations are being done, we may in fact only have to interface with the white matter 'between departments' as it were, to achieve the same interface effect.

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Smart Fabrics ? Wear your Augmented Interface
Industry News

Woven cicuitry turns your clothing into the interface for your life. Just add your phone or ipod, and let that program your clothes for you.

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VR Interfaces: Inupathy - Neural Interface Dog Mood collar
The Inupathy collar is an empathic collar, a brain machine interface for your dog, that visually transmits your dogs emotions in real-time, by reading the dog's heartbeat as a biometric marker for the emotional turmoil going on inside. It learns and adapts to the dog, and offers an insight into your best friend's thought process, to bolster the ones you already have. It's a brain machine interface for the heart.

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Houseplants as Interface Devices
Disney Research has come up with a truly novel type of interface device – a way to turn any house plant into a programmable haptic controller, by taking advantage of the capacitive capability of plants.

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Brain Machine Interface Enabled Wheelchair
Researchers at the University of South Florida have developed a wheelchair-mounted robotic arm, which is capable of interfacing with the wheelchair user's thoughts via a non-invasive neural interface.

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Large Image Display: Chrysalis: Natural User Interface in Paperwork
A look at the tabletop interface system, a form of NUI that has long been sought after, but as the French film Chrysalis imagines it. A form which strongly resembles current efforts, but has the added benefit of being just a few years ahead of us, and is willing to show the capabilities off.

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Separating Interface from Content - Why?
Not everyone dreams of immersing totally within the virtual; casting off the physical body like yesterdays clothes, and embracing digital life. Not everyone desires a full-blown interface. It is undeniable that those who do desire it, do so for good reason, but choice is paramount in life and it should never be forced. Certainly not if you desire to keep paying customers.

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Sol Bianca: The Legacy – Take on Gaze-Directed Neural-controlled Weaponry
A surprising find from an old anime space opera released in 1999. The main plot and most of the episodes have nothing to do with VR, but this element does. It is by far the most comprehensive and well thought out brain-machine-interface controlled firearm, we have ever come across in any genre of televised fiction. It would actually function as shown, using modern interface technology.


Industry News containing the Term Gustatory Interface:

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DEK International, a provider of equipment and processes for high accuracy mass imaging of electronic materials, has won a Global Technology Award for an interface which utilises VR techniques to display complex machine and process data for...

The X Prize Foundation recently announced that it's working on a new contest that will be offering $10 million to the winner to develop a breakthrough in brain-to-computer interface (BCI) technology. If the foundation comes up with adequat...

A smartphone that allows users to browse the web by hovering a finger above links they would normally touch has been unveiled by the Japanese electronics giant Sony.

The firm describes the technology as a "floating touch" u...

A drug information interface system developed by two University of Alberta researchers has been shown to help in dealing with visual and motor impairments, which can make sorting, holding and identifying pills a challenge as we age.

A computer interface inspired by the futuristic system portrayed in the movie Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise, could soon help real military personnel deal with information overload.

The film sees characters call up and ...