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Sorry, No matches were found in our database for the term Human-Robot%20Interaction. Perhaps you could offer a definition for submission? (Legal notes on dictionary submissions) Please note, this is a virtual reality / augmented reality database. Terms on other subjects, will be rejected.




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Resources in our database matching the Term Human-Robot%20Interaction:

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The book ? Love and Sex with Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships? explores every level of human relationship with robots, and robot-like creatures, arguing in favour of intimate relationships with robots ? and likely commonplace within a lifetime.

How do you spot a robot mimic of a human? How do you recognise and deactivate a rebellious servant robot? How do you escape a murderous smart home? This dry humoured survival guide, written by a genuine roboticist teaches the worried how to survive a robot mutiny.

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Large Image Display: Animatrix: The Second Renaissance: Human-Robot Riots
An all too believable human/robot riot from the Animatrix short film duet 'The Second Renaissance'. Brought about by the continuing trend of human leaders and lawmakers to forget the lessons of the past. It is little different to slave trade arguments of that past, and so very likely to occur in the future, unless we are prepared for it.

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Robot unravels mystery of walking
A look at the first passive walking robot that walks like a human, rather than stomping around like a robot. Can prosthesis and avatars also benefit from this concept?

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Twendy-One is what is described by its creators as "a human-symbiotic robot". Standing five feet tall, and weighing 245 pounds, Twendy is bristling with sensors and artificial muscles. Developed by by Sugano Laboratory, Department of Modern Mechanical Engineering, Waseda University, Japan, this robot is designed as a replacement for difficult to find and keep human care staff for elderly or infirm individuals.

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Robot Cheetah breaks Legged Robot Land Speed Record
Modelled loosely on the design of the robot BigDog, Boston Dynamics' latest quadruped combat robot prototype manages to shatter a 23 year-old record for the fastest legged robot on Earth.

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Autonomous Shrapnel Remover
We are still a long way from an autonomous robot surgeon in general surgery, but perhaps not as far removed as it was believed. Bioengineers at Duke University have developed a laboratory robot that can successfully locate tiny pieces of metal within flesh and guide a needle to its exact location, without any human assistance.

Bicentennial Man is set across a time frame spanning two hundred years. From the mid 21st century to the mid 23rd. The backdrop to the story opens out with the development of positronic brains, allowing the development of robot labourers who can reason commands out. This is the story of one such robot, and his struggle to become recognised as human.

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The Uncanny Valley: Effect of Realism on the Impression of Artificial Human Faces
A MIT Presence magazine free feature. Roboticists believe that people will have an unpleasant impression of a humanoid robot that has an almost, but not perfectly, realistic human appearance. This is called the uncanny valley, and is not limited to robots, but is also applicable to any type of human-like object, such as dolls, masks, facial caricatures, avatars in virtual reality, and characters in computer graphics movies.


Industry News containing the Term Human-Robot%20Interaction:

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A group of researchers from from the University of Wales, Robert Gordon University in Scotland, and the University of Manchester in England have put together a robot scientist that can devise a theory, come up with experiments to test the t...

Iran has developed a new human-like walking robot to be used in "sensitive jobs," government newspaper Iran reported on Sunday.

Surena-2, named after an ancient Persian warrior, was unveiled by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad...

A freely walking biped robot the size and shape of a human being is being developed to realistically simulate a soldier wearing protective clothing.

The robot, PETMAN (from Protection Ensemble Test Mannequin), is being develo...

Japanese researchers Sunday unveiled a robot that can mimic speech and gestures sent to it by video-phone, replicating a distant caller's presence.

Dubbed the Telenoid R1, the robot will allow "people to feel as if an acqua...

26th August 2013 - 29th August 2013
Gyeongju Hilton, Gyeongju, South Korea

The 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (IEEE RO-MAN 2013) will be held in Gyeongju, Korea from 26-2...