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Mobprogs, usually found in ROM-based worlds, are artificial-intelligence emulating scripts. They are used to make mobs (NPCs) react to actiions performed by players, or by the world.

Anything from an occasional flight of birds overhead, to attacking a player, healing themselves, killing the player, and looting the corpse is possible.

With enough lines of script, the mob can even boast about their exploits in the local inn that night.

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Resources in our database matching the Term Mobprog:

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Linked resource
Mobprog faq
Mobprogs, scripting for MUD NPCs - the illusion of AI through triggers. This Mobprog FAQ attempts to answer the issues you will likely face when trying to create the illusion of intelligence this way.

Linked resource
Mobprog Guide
Mobprogs, scripting for MUD NPCs - the illusion of AI through triggers. Through mobprog scripts, your non-player characters can be as immersive as your imagination can create. Article written with ROM Mobprogs in mind.


Industry News containing the Term Mobprog:

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