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Virtual Dictionary

Motion Tracking

Motion tracking in a VR is the use of optical or inertia based trackers to monitor movement in real-time. It can be anything from as subtle as a flick of the eyes, to as obvious as a wave of the hand, depending on application, and the aspect of VR interfaces.

See Also: Head Tracking, Head Tracker, Motion Tracker, 6DOF, 3DOF, Gaze Tracking, Gaze Control, Gesture Tracking, Gesture Control, Motion Capture, Accelerometer

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Motion Tracking:





Gaze Tracker

Gesture Tracking

Head Tracking

Motion Tracker

Motion Tracking

Motionless Gesture

Six Degrees Of Freedom

Three Degrees Of Freedom


Resources in our database matching the Term Motion Tracking:

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An Engineers' AR Display
A new concept on eye tracking, does two things. Firstly, it integrates both concepts into one device, by registering eye movement through the simple expedient of tracking pupil movement via machine vision, and mounting the tracking camera on the rear frame of the device.

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'Big brother' buildings offer less invasive security
Tracking people's every move using buildings packed with motion sensors is more effective than CCTV, and less invasive to privacy, say researchers who tried the technique on their own colleagues.

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Tech48: Virtual Fetish Provision
An innovative erotic game in which a webcam plus tracking software is used to emulate head tracking...for looking up skirts.

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Cheapening the Cost of Motion Sensors
Motion sensors are starting to creep into a whole plethora of applications. They are the linch pins of haptics, of 3D pointers, of stress based sensor networks and locomotive VR interfaces. Yet, there's a problem. Small, discrete motion sensors, tiny enough to be built into larger devices the size say, of a Wii-remote or a 6 ounce HMD, are extremely difficult and expensive to produce.

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Production Testing and Bug Tracking
It's standard in the software development timescale, to leave bug-tracking, and problem solving until the Alpha development phase, when balancing is usually handled. This article from the game development professional's point of view, looks at why that is a bad idea, and strategies for handling bugs before they get to that stage.

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Eye-tracking as Virtual Environment Interaction for Disabilities
Gaze tracking comes to the desktop, as an interface modality designed exclusively to control virtual environments by gaze control, and aimed at those who lack fine motor control for a mouse. Packaged in the unfortunately named "Snap Clutch" driver.

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The Bug Process
Bug tracking is a major headache when you?re shipping any code product. In a MMO or social VR world where the world is persistent, and you have test builds and live builds scattered across several servers, bug tracking can become a major migraine. How then, is best to track and kill these annoying bugs in persistent products?

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Eadweard Muybridge's pioneering work on the motion of all manner of quadrupeds. Horses, goats, cats, gnus, eagles, gazelles, sloths, camels, many others shown walking, running, flying, leaping, almost a complete range of natural motions duplicated for the benefit of animators and skeletal model making.


Industry News containing the Term Motion Tracking:

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Louisiana Immersive Technologies Enterprise, or LITETM has installed three separate, interlinked IS-900 wireless motion tracking systems in the 3D Immersive Visualisation Total Immersion System (TIS) it runs.

This makes the...

(Press Release) InterSense, Inc., a developer in precision motion technology, has announced the release of their next generation IS-1200 VisTracker wide area inertial-optical motion tracking system. Designed to be completely autonomous usin...

Ducking a punch or a thrown spear calls for the power of the human brain to process 3-D motion, and to perceive an object (whether it's offensive or not) moving in three dimensions is critical to survival. It also leads to a lot of fun at ...

The next generation of cell phone interfaces is currently under development at Ishikawa Komuro Laboratory at the University of Tokyo but instead of using a touchscreen the new interface is touchless.

This new technology will ...

Researchers have long known of the brain's ability to learn based on visual motion input, and a recent study has uncovered more insight into where the learning occurs.

The brain first perceives changes in visual input (local...