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Motionless Gesture

At first glance, a motionless gesture seems a contradiction in terms: A command interface based on moving a body part spatially, which occurs without any body movement occurring.

In reality, it is actually a very clever type of interface. The user wears a device, which is wrapped tightly around the muscles at a point in their body. More complex interfaces use several such devices with a body area network functioning between them.

Each has a lot in common with a support brace, allowing the skin to breathe and move under them, but holding tight against the flesh. They contain a number of electrodes which sense isometric muscular activity below the surface.

They sense the potentials telling the muscles to move without the muscles actually moving, and so can extrapolate what the gesture would have been if it had been made. From that point on it is processed like any normal gesture control.

See Also: Gesture Control, Unintentional Gesture, Natural User Interface, Biometrics, Motion Tracking, MoCap, Multimodal Interaction

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Motionless Gesture


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Locally Hosted resource
Swapping Data Across Devices with a Gesture
The stuff of numerous sci-fi films – the concept of with no more than a gesture, moving data wholesale from one computer to the next, has been made real, with a device not only functional in the lab, but already on its way to mass market commercial use, integrated in satellite and cable TV units.

Locally Hosted resource
Combining MoCap and Gesture Recognition
MoCap - Motion Capture - for all its impressive abilities, has definite limitations in terms of sensory fidelity, the expense and bulk of the rig. Gesture control is cheap and captures every little movement, but easily overwhelmed. Is a hybrid system possible?

Locally Hosted resource
A Downside of Gesture-Control: Perceptual Power of Gestures Used by Others
A potential concern has been found in the psychological implications of gesture control interfaces. When we design such things we must be aware of a power some gestures have, to alter the perceptions and memories of those who witness them.

Locally Hosted resource
Book Quotes: Neural Jack Gesture
One of the (hopefully) characteristic human gestures of the not so distant future.

Linked resource
BBC Click: The future of interaction?
This BBC article takes a look at three separate technologies vying to replace keyboard and mouse: Touchscreens, brain machine interfaces and gesture recognition.

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Industry News containing the Term Motionless Gesture:

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9th December 2013 - 13th December 2013
Sydney, Australia

The ChalLearn multi-modal gesture recognition challenge and workshop is being held in conjunction with the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interactio...

A system that can recognize human gestures could provide a new way for people with physical disabilities to interact with computers. A related system for the able bodied could also be used to make virtual worlds more realistic. The system i...

Interest in so-called gesture-based computing has been stoked by the forthcoming launch of gaming systems from Microsoft and Sony that will track the movements of players' bodies and replicate them on screen. But an off-the-shelf system th...

Operating computers without touching them, using only hand and arm gestures: it sounds futuristic, but it's already possible. Researcher Wim Fikkert of the Centre for Telematics and Information Technology of the University of Twente, The N...

A wiggle of the fingers will change television channels or turn the volume up or down. In videogames, your movements will control your onscreen digital avatar.

It's called 3D gesture recognition and while it may not be in st...