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Sorry, No matches were found in our database for the term Network%20Based%20Humanoid. Perhaps you could offer a definition for submission? (Legal notes on dictionary submissions) Please note, this is a virtual reality / augmented reality database. Terms on other subjects, will be rejected.




Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

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Resources in our database matching the Term Network%20Based%20Humanoid:

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Linked resource
Network Game Programming: Part 1
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.

Linked resource
Network Game Programming: Part 7
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.

Linked resource
Network Game Programming: Part 6
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.

Linked resource
Network Game Programming: Part 5
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.

Linked resource
Network Game Programming: Part 4
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.

Linked resource
Network Game Programming: Part 3
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.

Linked resource
Network Game Programming: Part 2
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.

Neurons in the brain communicate by short electrical pulses, the so-called action potentials or spikes. How can we understand the process of spike generation? How can we understand information transmission by neurons? What happens if thousands of neurons are coupled together in a seemingly random network? How does the network connectivity determine the activity patterns?

The book is based round the concept of the network is not the great equaliser, an egalitarian construct that has, since the Internet became a powerful social force, begun to spread out into all works of life, with network-centric organisation. Instead, the authors state that the exploit ? a direct reference to the hacker term ? is a common corporate and subversive means of taking quiet control of the flow and direction of networks.


Industry News containing the Term Network%20Based%20Humanoid:

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AT&T Inc. has completed a project to improve wireless service in New York City, where the proliferation of iPhones has caused dropped calls, slow downloads and other problems, the phone company said Monday.

The Dallas-based c...

T-Systems, a part of Deutche Telecom, is conducting an experimental networking of ten thousand Wi-Fi points, scattered in public places all across the world.

This network of half the public hotspots globally, cuts across all ...

In the US, Verizon Wireless is taking the first tentative steps toward a more open cellular network. In March, the company paid $9.63 billion for the right to use wireless frequencies that will become free when analogue television transmiss...

To be able to focus on the world, we need to turn a part of ourselves off for a short while, and this is precisely what our brain does. But, why do we "turn off" our neurons at times when we need them most? A team of researchers from Inse...

South Korean engineers recently unveiled a prototype of a wireless network that they hope will revolutionize Internet access.

In August, Samsung, the South Korean electronics company, gave the first public demonstration of it...