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Neuromorphic Engineering Neuromorphic engineering is a cross-disciplinary field, which strives to design artificial neural systems including brain emulators and neural networks, for an expanding number of practical uses including SLAM, machine vision, gesture recognition and expert systems design. Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.
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in our database matching the Term Neuromorphic Engineering:
For almost three decades, Roger Pressman's Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach has been the world's leading textbook in software engineering. The new seventh edition represents a major restructuring and update of previous editions, solidifying the book's position as the most comprehensive guide to this important subject. The Petman robot, created by Boston Dynamics, is a possible successor to BigDog. Built using the same engineering principles, it is essentially a two-legged version of the go-anywhere workhorse. A long and comprehensive piece about the MMORPG Everquest, the company behind it, and how this ageing behemoth is both staying fresh, and doing more to pressurise the growth of home computing power than anything else, for its 600,000 subscribers. ACE, or Autonomous City Explorer, is an embodied robot system, a development of the Institute of Automatic Control Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. However, we are not interested in its navigation achievements here. Instead, one of the new interaction methods ACE employs, is of interest for quite different applications. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST in Braunschweig, Germany have developed a sensor system that fits into a prosthesis to analyse gait over time. Optogenetics is a novel field. Half brain interface, half genetic engineering. None the less, it is starting to make inroads as a means of non invasive writing back to the brain. Resource Type not Available At the start of May 2008, Engineers at Eyebeam, an engineering and design firm based in New York, created a scaled-down open-source version of Microsoft Surface, called Cubit. Slipping an slim line, lightweight stereoscopic HMD over your eyes; each of the two screens sending data to a different eye, giving the same angles in the virtual world as light takes to each eye in the physical. Holding a stylus in one hand, and a 3D pointer in the other. This is the set up for art work, heavy engineering design or model making with ?Drawing on Air?.
News containing the Term Neuromorphic Engineering:
Results by page (22/06/2012)
The Cornell – IBM SyNAPSE team has fabricated a key building block of a modular neuromorphic architecture: a neurosynaptic core, IBM Almaden scientist Dr. Dharmendra S Modha’s Cognitive Computing Blog reports. The core incorp...
Scientists from Berlin and Heidelberg use artificial nerve cells to classify different types of data. Thus, they may recognize handwritten numbers, or distinguish plant species based on their flowers. A bakery assistant who takes the bread ...
Charles Higgins, assistant professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Arizona has stated a simple, succinct fact about current robotics: "We don't have robots that can physically compete with humans in any way,...
Kwabena Boahen is a neuroscientist at Stanford University. An unusual neuroscientist, with a spotless laboratory, and not one trace of nerve tissue. Instead, at the centre of the lab is a single chip, linked to a larger computer system.
University of Wisconsin-Madison research psychiatrist Giulio Tononi, who was recently selected to take part in the creation of a "cognitive computer," says the goal of building a computer as quick and flexible as a small mammalian brain i...