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Smart Device

A smart device, also known as an autonomous device is any hardware and software system which is self-governed. It can make it's own decisions in reference to internal and external data, without relying on human interference.

See Also: Artificial Intelligence, Artificial General Intelligence, Embodiment

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Smart Device:

Autonomous Device

Smart Device


Resources in our database matching the Term Smart Device:

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Locally Hosted resource
Podcast: John La Grou plugs smart power outlets
This podcast comes from TED 2009, where electronics inventor John La Grou shows off the capabilities of a sensor web of smart power outlets in every home, where the outlet knows what is plugged into it, and how much power the device is consuming, and when it consumes it.

Locally Hosted resource
Large Image Display: The Stepford Wives: Smart Home Interface
Here we see Claire, acting in her guise as spokeswoman for Stepford, showing off the smart house system. In a manner so eagerly aped in our world by electronics firms from all developed nations, Stepford has been striving to create a truly smart house, in which all appliances are networked together, controlled by a central brain, making the house 'smart'.

Locally Hosted resource
A Literal Sensor Web Comes into Its Own
It was only a matter of time before someone took the concept of a sensor web literally, and created a smart mesh web that could cover an object and detect when and where any breaches in the web occur. That wait is now over, and the first such smart fabric now exists.

Linked resource
Will chatting smart cars become a reality soon?
A BBC article looking at the rise of the smart car – AI driven cars that will soon be able to communicate with cloud services for traffic control, communicate with the humans on board, and work in flocks to drive themselves with consideration (and a degree of literal mind-reading) of each other's positions and goals.

The Media Vehicle, is a serious take on VR interfacing, however it is not a serious commercial device. The unit is, for lack of a better phrase, an ?art tool?. It exists to showcase what is currently possible in 2009, not as a device which expects a practical market.

With the current surge in uses of the iphone as a distributed computing device, and several industries, most notably medical healthcare taking it up in increasing numbers, there has not been a better time to learn to code this small, sleek device.

Locally Hosted resource
Gene-Z Device Applies Microfluidic Diagnosis at Low Cost
The GeneZ device is an extremely low-cost field diagnosis unit for telehealth in the developing world. Designed to identify cancer and a host of other diseases, and to run indefinately, outside the power grid.

Locally Hosted resource
An Engineers' AR Display
A new concept on eye tracking, does two things. Firstly, it integrates both concepts into one device, by registering eye movement through the simple expedient of tracking pupil movement via machine vision, and mounting the tracking camera on the rear frame of the device.

Linked resource
'Smart' NPC's in Interactive Fiction
A look at what is, and what isn't possible in NPC intelligence.


Industry News containing the Term Smart Device:

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Charging up portable gadgets might soon mean taking a charge on your credit card. Sony is working on an authentication system that spots which device has been plugged into a power outlet. The prototype system then only lets power flow if th...

Google has announced it has secured its first official device partner for Google PowerMeter, which means you can now use the software without having a smart meter installed by your utility company.

Google PowerMeter was launc...

Google.org has announced "PowerMeter", a platform that will help users track their home electricity usage in real-time on their home computer. This platform will receive data from "smart meters" and other electricity management devices ...

Tendril, a startup based in Boulder, CO, has developed a device that converts existing electrical meters into smart meters that can track customers' energy use as frequently as once every few minutes. Working with utility companies, Tendri...

A group of leading technology vendors that include Cisco and Sun Microsystems as well as end users have formed the IP for Smart Objects (IPSO) Alliance, whose goal is to promote the Internet Protocol (IP) as the networking technology best s...