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Virtual Dictionary

Virtual Community

A virtual community is a group of people, often widely separated by distance, economic and political bakgrounds that come together over a common interest in the virtual reality.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

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Virtual Community


Resources in our database matching the Term Virtual Community:

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First published in 1994, The Virtual Community was a revolutionary book, which inspired so much of the VR and social networking growth of the 90s. Within these pages, now revised and updated for the modern situation, Howard explores every facet of online communities ranging from the WELL, that think-tank of innovation and invention, to the sphere of MUDs and MOOs.

Linked resource
Online Games & The Law, Part Four: Community Rules
Creating a community is more dangerous legally than many people realise. This article looks into the issues raised by the american COPPA laws, the lisencing of content created by your community's members, and why Terms of Service documents are crucial.

A great community is truly a wonderous place. So, how do you set one up? How do you go about creating the place that people will come to rely on, that will be seen as a lifeline by some, and a distraction by others?

Locally Hosted resource
'Simulations' and 'Games', Why the Difference?
The 'modelling and Simulation' community, has always distanced itself from the 'gaming' community, the two moving into separate camps, and neither touching the work of the other.

Linked resource
The Community
An unintentionally humourous decade old article from the MUD community, about how, once any VR becomes popular, the masses flood in, and all of a sudden, the fragile system you had built up collectively, is gone. Replaced by mass culture.

This book attempts to gather together a range of viewpoints of differing fields to create a holistic picture of whether or not a community that exists in cyberspace can truly be called a legitimate community.

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Populating Ghostville Part 3: The Long Haul
Advertising worked, your world is starting to feel wityh people. So, what happens now? This is the point at which you stop being developers and become 'community managers'. This article will give you some good, solid tips on how to proceed, to manage your community, to nurture it, and to prune out some of the weeds.

An online community can take many forms, not just the atypical one. This book draws upon three radically different community archatypes, from the commercial world, from the educational world, and from the hobbyist world. Using these three together, it attempts to explain how you can create your own, grandiose communities.

Linked resource
Computer games drive social ties
An article from the BBC, providing empiric evidence that gaming and virtual worlds foster community colloboration, rather than creating a network of loners.

Moove: In Pictures
Moove: In Pictures welcome screen
Moove is an interconnected virtual environment that makes no pretences about its purpose. It is designed for intimacy, romance and love. A community driven, grid computing, sprawling complex whose one goal is to foster friendships and lead to romantic engagements.
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Industry News containing the Term Virtual Community:

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Friday, March 27 ? Sunday March 29th
Second Life

This conference will promote the best and brightest from the Second Life education community in various fields of practice including everything from demonstrations to ha...

Within the next few months, according to Ashar Saeed, a vice president at Muxlim.com, the Internet will receive its first Muslim-themed virtual world, not unlike Second Life, complete with its own currency and culture.

Saeed ...

One of the greatest signs that our world is now truly intertwined with technological ones is the inclusion of a category for digital communities among the prizes awarded at the Ars Electronica festival this year.

The festival...

17 July 2009
London, UK

Attend the Forum to:

* Learn about the current status and direction of government and industry policy for nurturing, engaging and protecting minors in games & virtual social s...

Avatar community/virtual world WeeWorld has announced that, according to data from comScore, it has grown the fastest amongst virtual worlds and social networking sites such as Facebook, Gaia, Habbo, Meez, Zwinky, MySpace, and SecondLife.