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Article by Virtual Worldlets Network
Copyright 03/04/2010
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NeuroPhone is exactly what it sounds like - a neuroprosthetic mobile phone. Developed by Tanzeem Choudhury, Rajeev Raizada and Andrew Campbell of Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, the phone makes use of an EEG helmet and the P300 response to make phone calls, rather than route a user through a text menu of contacts, where many become lost or frustrated.

The prototype uses an Apple iPhone and the EPOC EEG headset, however the basic technology will work with any mobile device with a large display screen.

Instead of a list of names, the phone displays a montage of faces when the contacts list is selected. These are dimmed deliberately. Each flashes briefly, coming into full focus, and flashing several times before moving on to the next. The EEG helmet checks for the P300 spike (which as the name suggests, comes 300 milliseconds after the photo of the person being thought about flashes).

When the spike is detected, the system knows that this is the person the user wanted to call, and brings their details up on the screen ready for confirmation.

Currently, only the prototype exists, and the developers are working towards a system for the EEG component that is more sensitive to brainwave patterns, whilst at the same time, is able to block out external electromagnetic noise.

This is the main bottleneck to development, at this time.


People-Aware Computing (PAC) Group

Rajeev Raizada: Statement of research interests (PDF)

Mobile Sensing Group