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 Gamer Chris Staniforth's death blamed on DVT

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Date posted: 30/07/2011

A man whose son died after playing video games for long periods is campaigning for greater awareness of the risk posed by their excessive use. Chris Staniforth, 20, who would play his console for up to 12 hours, died in May from deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

His father David believes the condition may have been triggered by long gaming sessions. DVT can form during long periods of immobility and can kill if the clots travel to the lungs. The coroner said a clot formed in Chris' left calf before moving to his lungs.
Once there, it caused a fatal blockage, known as a pulmonary embolism.

Mr Staniforth said: "After my research I saw there was no difference to Chris sitting at a desk on his Xbox and someone on a long-haul flight. Computer records showed his son would sometimes play online on his Xbox for periods up to 12 hours.

"Sitting still is literally the danger zone. Chris loved to play and would stay up all night."

See the full Story via external site: www.bbc.co.uk

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