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Scene graph

Scene graph is a generic term for the data structure that binds a 3D environment together. Two different environments may use totally incompatible scene graphs, unrecognisable to one another, but both are still scene graphs.

A scene graph arranges the logical structure of all objects and their textures in a given environment. Its usually a tree structure, which is parsed when it comes to rendering order, or interactivity requirements. They are also invaluable for loading of objects from the server. A good scene graph structure loads the items that have the greatest visual or interactive impact on a user, first.

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Scene graph


Resources in our database matching the Term Scene graph:

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Cyclorama: the oft-neglected Tool
The cyclorama was the 19th century's version of TV, video game, and virtual reality, all (literally) rolled into one. By painting a large, highly detailed and realistic scene on the inside of a massive cylinder, they gave viewers standing in the middle, the feeling of really being a part of that scene.

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Large Image Display: Simone: Mocap Synthespian
A scene from the film Simone, describing the merging of human and machine elements, creating an avatar embodiment which is half her human operator, and half artificially sourced. A scene showing something that is all too realistic, and very likely to occur for real.

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3-D Modeling Advance: A single photo can be reconstructed into a 3-D scene
Building on the premise of Parallax mapping, in which 3D displacement of surfaces is faked by means of displacing textures both by creating a height map of their protuberance from 3D space and then calculating the angle of that protuberance relative to the angle the observer is looking, Microsoft and Make3D have created a process allowing a single photo to become a 3D scene.

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Large Image Display: Program: Welcome back to the Real?
The closing scene from the Animatrix short, Program, has two very important and pertinent lessons to teach. One concerns the problem with grasping the emotions, the other a reminder about interfaces.

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Convex Hull Simplification With Containment By Successive Plane Removal
A fairly short overview of an interesting, and immensely handy simplification method, with the potential to reduce the number of calculations needed in a scene.

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Large Image Display: The Stepford Wives: Soulless Automation
A scene from 'The Stepford Wives' in which the robotic skin is shown to Joanna for the first time; along with the knowledge that she will soon be inside it, whether she wishes it or not. This plays on the submersion of humanity within the machine, and also the uncanny valley.

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Large Image Display: AI: Artificial Intelligence: Does Not Eat
This scene from AI: Artificial intelligence shows an oft-ignored aspect of the uncanny valley; it shows the flip-side of it, and the effects on the robot, being just shy of able to interact normally with humans.

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Large Image Display: Chrysalis: Geolocation of Law Enforcement
A scene from Chrysalis (2007) in which the virtues of transparent monitors in call-centres and RFID chips implanted in police officers are discussed, with pros and cons of both technologies discussed in detail.

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AR Development > ARToolKit
ARToolkit (literally Augmented Reality Toolkit) is a library of visual interpretation functions, designed for use with C. It is capable of deciphering a video stream with machine vision, rendering 3D objects, adding them to the scene and outputting the new stream, all in real-time.

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Rapid interactive scene modelling from video
A new modelling system, VideoTrace; the result of a collaboration between The Australian Centre for Visual Technologies at the University of Adelaide, and The Oxford Brookes Computer Vision Group, is capable of taking the output of any handheld digital camcorder, and turn it into a 3D model.


Industry News containing the Term Scene graph:

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A new computer algorithm can analyze the footwear marks left at a crime scene according to clusters of footwear types, makes and tread patterns even if the imprint recorded by crime scene investigators is distorted or only a partial print.<...

University of Oxford researchers have come up with a way for map-building robots to accurately recognize places they have been before, even when objects have moved or are approached from a new angle.

Their FabMap software tac...

Forensics experts and road-accident investigators could soon revisit the scene of a crime without leaving their office, thanks to a 3D scanner that "paints" a virtual model of the area.

The hand-held scanner makes it possib...

Much weak artificial-intelligence research addresses the problem of making predictions based on large data sets. An obvious example is the recommendation engines at retail sites like Amazon and Netflix.

But some types of data...

A virtual reality model of the scene where Princess Diana was killed was unveiled at her inquest on Thursday.

The digital recreation of Paris's Place de l'Alma will be used throughout the next six months as witnesses who we...