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Spatial Data Translation

Spatial data translation is an alternative term for Spatial ETL. Both terms refer to the same process of converting 3D data into native format before adding to an environment.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

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Spatial Data Translation


Resources in our database matching the Term Spatial Data Translation:

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Spatial Representation of a Virtual World
How do you perceive space and spatial relationships between objects in a virtual environment. Rather easily if you are setting out to replicate the physical world. But that is too easy, it loses so many of the true advantages of VR, where space is irrelevant, and every room can be a TARDIS. This article looks at mapping that kind of a mess, beginning with text worlds, where such spatial irrelevancy is at its highest.

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Wireless Data Swifter than Wired Data
One of the real issues with wireless data transfer is the slow speed at which it transfers data. Near-future high-sensory-bandwidth systems such as virtual reality and simulated stimulation are even at this stage, pushing the limits of bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Anxious to download his wedding videos more quickly, a German researcher has created a 1GB/sec system, with the potential for wireless 10GB/sec.

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When even industry insiders think of virtual reality systems, and of the data visualisation sector in particular, it's the larger, multi-user data worlds with relatively exotic hardware that tend to leap straight into mind, as opposed to the single user software suites that process and display data in 2D or 3D form.

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Google Deepmind: Should patients trust the company with their data?
A BBC article looking at the pros and cons of Google's DeepMind AI system for sifting through patient's medical data looking for missed connections between symptoms. It consideres the difficulties inherent in letting a private company comb through that most sensitive data, raising legal and privacy concerns along the way.

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Handshake and Transmit Data
Industry News

Industry news, originally posted 23-02-2005. The human body is now a transmission medium for computer data. Just shake hands to transfer that file.

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Great Buildings Online
3D spatial models of great, and historic buildings.

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MR Aquarium
MR Aquarium was demonstrated in 2008, as a spatial VR project using multiple magic symbol displays on walls and pedestals, to bypass the problem, of turning the HUD away from the magic symbol, at which point the AR disappears.

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Where am I? Using Feature Cues for Navigation
The brain is built to handle such a 3D world, and employs a number of tricks to counter disorientation. These are tricks we can utilise in 3D spatial simulations, to help minimise disorientation there; but first we have to understand what the brain's tricks are, and how they operate.

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Swapping Data Across Devices with a Gesture
The stuff of numerous sci-fi films – the concept of with no more than a gesture, moving data wholesale from one computer to the next, has been made real, with a device not only functional in the lab, but already on its way to mass market commercial use, integrated in satellite and cable TV units.


Industry News containing the Term Spatial Data Translation:

Results by page

Researchers at Jibbigo LLC and Carnegie Mellon University's International Center for Advanced Communication Technologies (interACT) have developed a new application for Apple's iPhone 3GS that performs speech-to-speech and speech-to-text ...

NEC has developed a system that can understand around 50,000 Japanese words and translate them to English text on the mobile's display in just a second or two.

The software was made compact enough to "operate on a small mic...

A highly ambitious European project used basic cognitive function, eye-tracking and keystroke logging as the starting point for the study of human-computer interaction for translation. It could be the dawn of a new era, with cognition-stren...

European scientists have developed groundbreaking technology to enable machine translation using statistical analysis. Now linguistic diversity can be found in translation.

We live in a global village, and its name is Babel. ...

IBM Researchers are helping to break the language barrier with the advent of technology dubbed "n.Fluent" -- smart software that translates text between English and 11 other languages. IBM employees use it to instantaneously translate ele...