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Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine

DICOM, or Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine is a standardised file format created to aid the distribution and viewing of medical images. CT scans, MRIs and Ultrasound scans are converted to the standard DICOM format for distribution and processing.

This allows medical viewers such as Perspecta, or Dextroscope to work with a wide range of medical scans, and yet only have a single file format to worry about, ensuring maximum efficiency.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

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Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine


Resources in our database matching the Term Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine:

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Locally Hosted resource
Standards > DICOM
DICOM, which stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine is the main set of standards currently in use by medical communities for medical data handling.

Locally Hosted resource
Ultrasensitive Imaging: Hunting Every Photon
As the demands for precise imaging in fields such as medicine, astronomy, and real-time machine vision in hostile environments continue to increase, so the demands placed on imaging equipment become ever more stringent. An imaging method based on Single Photon Avalanche Photodiodes (SPAD) offers the potential to ease this bottleneck greatly.

Locally Hosted resource
Standards > PACS
Picture Archiving and Communications System, or PACS is a digital image standard, used increasingly in medicine. A basic level standard, it is often in place before more advanced standards like DICOM.

Linked resource
The Brain Unveiled
Technology Review's long, and in depth look at the rise of diffusion spectrum imaging, and how this new neural interface imaging technique is rapidly accelerating the study of both human and animal brains to an extent unparalleled by any previous imaging technique, even fMRI.

This text offers an overview of the N-generation, the generation of children who in the year 2000 will be between the ages of two and 22. This group is a "tsunami" that could force changes in communications, retailing, branding, advertising, and education. The author contends that the N-generation are becoming so technologically proficient that they will "lap" their parents and leave them behind.

Locally Hosted resource
Brain Reading: Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Diffusion spectrum imaging is a new technique at time of writing, which allows magnetic resonance brain imaging, at a much higher level of fidelity than fMRI permits.

Locally Hosted resource
Using VR and Phased Imaging to Track Alzheimers Disease Progression in New Ways
In mid 2012, Swiss researchers turned the world of alzheimers plaque imaging on its head: by combining a phased imaging source and an integral VR model generator, for the first time ever we can now track the formation of Alzheimers plaques in real-time in living patients.

Locally Hosted resource
Western Australia launches e-medicine centre
Industry News

In August 2005, the Western Australian service launched the first tele-medicine service in the world.

The first generation of digital natives - children who were born into and raised in the digital world - are coming of age, and soon our world will be reshaped in their image. Our economy, our cultural life, even the shape of our family life will be forever transformed.

Locally Hosted resource
An Introduction to: Genetically Personalised Medicine
Genetically personalised medicine - the naescent field of pharmacogenetics - is starting to make its impact felt. This field is part of the hospital in the home phenomenon so vital to long-term immersion use, for the physical shell.


Industry News containing the Term Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine:

Results by page

To properly display X-rays and other medical imagery, DICOM compliant monitors are able to output grayscale with a greater precision than consumer screens. Last week Canon has released two new projector models that feature a DICOM output mo...

January 26 - 29, 2005
Westin Long Beach Hotel
Long Beach, California.

MMVR13 is for:

- Physicians, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals interested in emerging and future tools for diagnosi...

The newest generation of "virtual biopsy" colonoscopy probes being tested at the Mayo Clinic campus in Florida demonstrate that it might soon be possible to use such a device to determine whether a colon polyp is benign and not remove it ...

A new study published in the September issue of The Journal of Nuclear Medicine shows that positron emission tomography (PET)/computer tomography (CT) scans with the imaging agent choline could detect recurring prostate cancer sooner than c...

The Brits are spending more time than ever before, in the digital world, new research shows. 55,000 new broadband connections are made each week, and nine out of ten households own at least one mobile phone.

Ofcom's annual C...