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The False Non-Match Rate or FNMR is another attribute of biometric systems. It refers to the frequency of the system to mistake a signal that matches valid data for one that is invalid, or fits no known pattern.

It differs from False Reject Rate or FRR in that FRR rejects those that come close to the required data, but for whatever reason are still rejected. In contrast, FNMR refers to the rate of rejection for perfect matches. Of course, like most biometric errors, a FNMR as low as possible is desirable.

FNMR type-errors with biometric data are thus much more likely to be encountered, the more precise the data needs to be. Biometric security systems are unlikely to encounter them, as these use multiple methods to determine an individual's identity, and as such are much more likely to have an FRR error. False non matches occur with very precise data such as neural readers detecting specific patterns, or in EMG data.

See Also: Behaviometric, False Match Rate, False Accept Rate, Biometric characteristic, False Reject Rate, ROC

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