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Full Scene Anti-Aliasing, or FSAA is a type of anti aliasing where, rather than each individual object texture being anti-aliased, the whole view from the user's viewpoint is aliased at once. This removes jagged lines and makes the area seem more realistic.

It is far less processor intensive than individual anti-aliasing, but encounters problems with partially transparent, aliased objects In the scene. It can also make the scene look worse if there is a lot of fine detail, and lines.

FSAA is usually accomplished by supersampling - blowing the scene up to a multiple of its original size, so that each pixel of the original equals four, or sixteen of the new. Those pixels are then smoothed into aliased hegemonies, and the supersample downsized again, to become the new image.

Whilst this does provide superior image quality, it slows rendering to about half speed on any card, due to the necessity of rendering each frame multiple times.

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Full Scene Anti-Aliasing

Full Screen Anti Aliasing


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