Virtual Dictionary
Fractal Landscape A fractal landscape is literally a world surface area mesh that is deformed according to the patterns of a fractal equation. Specifically stochastic algorithms are used. These are one part fractal data, one part a precise mathematical representation of a known and desired type of terrain. For example, a mathematically generated mountain range would be melded point by point with the data from a randomly generated and randomly seeded fractal, creating a unique mountain range. Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.
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Creating realistic terrain involves more than simply sculpting out a feature and plonking it on the landscape. To truly create a believable landscape, the process of natural grassland formation has to be understood, else grasslands may be placed in locations they have no place being. Creating realistic terrain involves more than simply sculpting out a feature and plonking it on the landscape. To truly create a believable landscape, the entire process of natural river creation has to be understood, so that rivers can be created that flow naturally and feel right. Creating realistic terrain involves more than simply sculpting out a feature and plonking it on the landscape. To truly create a believable landscape, the process of natural desert formation has to be understood, so that deserts can be created in believable locations. Creating realistic terrain involves more than simply sculpting out a feature and plonking it on the landscape. To truly create a believable landscape, the process of natural mountain formation has to be understood else Mountain ranges may be formed in places that simply make no sense, or worse, disrupt the sense of locations around them. A 60-slide slideshow, produced by Tim Holt in 2008, describing for non-industry professionals, the basic requirements of setting up a VR platform, the work expected, and a few examples of others? success. Stage 1: Finding the seed The first stage in any project, is finding out what your parameters are - to look at the existing landscape, and see your possibilites. Woodland paths or walks are something often recreated in the virtual, to allow visitors to stride through the VR version of natural landscape, admire it's beauty, or aid foraging and hunting in its depths. This resource, intended for building IF worlds, still has many vital, and infrequently observed lessons for area builders within virtual worlds. A large area within a textual world, is about the same size as an average IF landscape, and many of the same rules still apply. Landscape maps of large stretches of Earth - or any other planet - that can be used by world builders to create terrain for their worlds can never be too plentiful. Well, oft-times they are not plentiful at all, due to the difficulty of acquiring heightmaps, at least on Earth. Things such as buildings and plant life just get in the way. One of the problems with wandering through a massive persistent world that can be many hundreds of square miles across, is the silence of it. After a while, no matter how beautiful the landscape, how awe-inspiring the view, the sheer bleakness of it all is going to get to you. If you are wandering alone, and have seen no other human participants, then it all starts to feel like dressing for "apocalypse now".
News containing the Term Fractal Landscape:
Results by page (03/09/2003)
A new 3D [booth] style VR system, not only shows users a VR world without a headpiece, but, utilising cameras which operate from behind the screens, actually puts their whole body into the world, in real time....
Two UQ Science researchers have proved two famous physical laws that have been widely used for the past 25 years do not always work. Dr Tony Roberts and PhD student Christophe P. Haynes, from the School of Maths and Physics, ...
A new augmented reality audio system launches this month ? VoiceUbique is an infrared based audio system likely to find use in museums and art galleries, but probably destined for niche oblivion. Using RFID tagging, the wirel...
Video games are poised to "eclipse" all other forms of entertainment, according to games studio boss Mike Griffith. The Activision chief made the bold call during a keynote speech at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Veg...
Every cell of our body is separated from its environment by a lipid bilayer. In order to maintain their biological function and to transduce signals, special proteins, so called ion channels, are embedded in the membrane. Anna Stary-Weinzin...