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Virtual Dictionary


Interactivity is based on two words: Inter, Latin, meaning ?between? and activity, meaning active behaviour. Thus interactivity is the phrase for an action then a between time, and an action back as a result. This is the cornerstone of any virtual environment, no matter how crude or complex.

See also: Reflectivity, Resonance

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Interactivity:

Adaptive Refinement

Infinite Object Interactivity





Scene graph

Scent Feedback

Sonic Feedback


Resources in our database matching the Term Interactivity:

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ActiveWorlds released it's 4.1 codebase in early June 2006. This was a radical departure from previous versions, with focus on collaborative interactivity, and realistic effects.

A different sort of iWear device, Vuzix's AV 230XL is panoramic, yet designed solely for audio-visual playback, not for interactivity,

World Review: Universal
World Review: Universal welcome screen
Universal is the latest in a long line of ?IOI? worlds ? infinite object interactivity. The PR blurb proclaims a world where you can do anything. As a member of a galactic, spacefaring civilisation, it seems like a mix between Eve and Elite, with a bit of everything else thrown in.
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A geneology of virtual worlds
Whilst we look ahead, to the future of virtual worlds, we still need to remember what has come before. This lengthy article takes a look at the development of virtual worlds, from the first, early games, and the progression from games, into the far more serious entertainment, and social interactivity of today.


Industry News containing the Term Interactivity:

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The next generation in DVD technology will let consumers carry the equivalent of a hard drive on a disc. What to do with all that storage? Interactivity.

You buy a film on Blu-Ray, then, a week after getting it home, download...

What will happen when the world's most popular art museums become just too overcrowded for a viewer to get a decent look at an artwork, let alone enjoy the luxury of slow, uninterrupted contemplation?

With the rapidly improv...

Video games are poised to "eclipse" all other forms of entertainment, according to games studio boss Mike Griffith.

The Activision chief made the bold call during a keynote speech at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Veg...

There?s a sub-drama brewing in the ?console war? right now. Microsoft may be out of the blocks with their controversial ?Milo? technology, but let?s not forget a similar concept shown by Sony at last years E3: Eye Pet.

The de...

(Press Release) EDS Technologies Pvt. Ltd, India?s largest PLM Solutions and 3D Visual Simulation provider has announced that it has partnered with Virtools, a Dassault Systemes company, to enhance its PLM portfolio to address the Virtual R...