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Munchkin is a synonym for powergamer, in online social worlds and gameworlds. It is usually used as a derogatory.

Munchkins will see the only value in their experience as getting the most out of the system mechanics: the best stats, the most experience points for their time, the absolutely best equipment, et cetera.

In general other players or participants hate them because they are so busy looking for the best minimax state ? most rewards for the least effort ? that they suck all the fun out of the experience, both for themselves, and for those unfortunate enough to be round them.

In roleplaying environments, munchkins are usually easily identifiable, as they are the characters with no personalities. Developing a personality, a reason for existence, or a cohesive view of the world detract from the business of maximising gain. Thus, most munchkins simply do not bother to ?waste time? on these elements.

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