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Neural Implant

A neural implant is essentially a device implanted in or around a person?s brain that interfaces with the microelectrical signals between neurons, and becomes part of the brain?s network.

Such devices, more often called brain implants, or cortical implants, can be used for repairing function, augmenting function, or overriding sensory information in order to connect to a high fidelity artificial (augmented, virtual) environment.

See Also: BMI, Brain Implant

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Neural Implant:

Brain Implant

Neural Implant


Resources in our database matching the Term Neural Implant:

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Neuropace: Neuro-blanker
A new neuroprosthetic on the market at the end of 2009, is an attempt to actually combiine a neural activity detector and a neurostimulator into one package. Traditionally this never worked because oncethe neurostimulator activates, it blocks out all underlying brain activity in the area - the implant is only reading itself. But, what if that is the desired outcome?

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Vehicle Control with Neural Networks
An excellent, easy-to-follow look at using neural networks to control the movement of AI vehicles (or dragons, or whatever). Includes careful break down of how neural networks work, and carries a gradual learning curve upwards.

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AI Middleware: Getting into Character Part 1 - BioGraphic Technologies' AI.implant
An introduction to the concept of third party AI engines, and a look at the capabilities of AI.implant, which basically turns characters into autonomous agents, capable of making their own, independent decisions.

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New Implant Promises Prosthetic Near-Natural Hearing
We finally understand enough about the way sound signals are processed into electrical signals, to go one better than the cochlea implant. We can tap directly into the auditory nerve itself.

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Medical Implant Powered by Music
It is certainly an odd idea, but a rather effective one: Power a medical implant, with the beats of whatever song you happen to be listening to at the time. That in a nutshell is what Purdue university researchers have done with their latest prototype sensing device.

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Neural Reader vs Neurostimulator
Neural readers and neurostimulators. You will never encounter two more opposing types of brain prosthesis. It is ironic then, that these two are perhaps the most frequently confused, by the lay-person.

This dentistry prosthetics tome is an attempt to bring the latest in research, diagnostic tools, treatment planning, implant designs, materials, and techniques for prosthetising the mouth, to the attention of practitioners, and support staff. It is also a healthy read for anyone working on tooth prosthesis, or who has considerable use of such.

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John Pezaris' Electrode Implant
The neurostimulator implant envisaged by researcher John Pezaris, is not the same as the medical neurostimulators currently in use. It is one of the first true neurostimulators. That is to say, not a general pulse device, but one capable of delivering meaningful data directly into the brain.

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The First Neural-Jack?
Japanese researchers have created the very first, incredibly crude, neural-jack interface, a distant ancestor of those seen in cyberpunk and the Matrix films, but of the same lineage all the same.


Industry News containing the Term Neural Implant:

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Dental implants are frequently used as a replacement for missing teeth in order to restore the patient's tooth function and appearance. Previous research demonstrates that the placement of a dental implant disrupts the host tissue in the a...

Cochlear implants, electrical prosthetic devices that stimulate inner ear neurons of individuals who have lost their cochlear sensory cells, restore usable hearing to deaf patients. Cochlear implant electrodes are placed in the fluid-filled...

A German study of cochlear implant recipients shows the recipients experience a significant improvement in their quality of life after the implant: better speech recognition, sound perception, social interaction, and mental health....

Researchers at Medtronic are developing a prototype neural implant that uses light to alter the behavior of neurons in the brain. The device is based on the emerging science of optogenetic neuromodulation, in which specific brain cells are ...

New human trials are underway for a retinal implant that promises to restore vision to people suffering from eye disease.

The implant, called the Artificial Silicon Retina (ASR), contains about 5,000 microscopic solar cells t...