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Neural Network

A neural network is an artificial brain used to create more 'human-like' AI. An advanced tree structure is used in the code of the brain, to simulate neurons in a physical brain.

Neural Nets have so far been of limited complexity, however they have already demonstrated the ability to learn and adapt on their own.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Neural Network:



Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Neural Network

Autonomous Vehicle

Cognitive AI

Cognitive Artificial Intelligence

Continuous Artificial Intelligence

Deep learning

Deep Learning Software



Event Related Potential

Evolutionary Algorithm

Evolving Artificial Neural Network

Expert-level Decision System

Fuzzy Search

Hybrid intelligent system

Machine Learning

Neural Computation

Neural Network



Neuromorphic Engineering


Object Recognition

Programmed Mind


Remote Controlled Weapon

Smart Prosthetic


Spiking Neural Controller

Spiking Neural Network

Spiking Neuron

Theory of Mind


Virtual Actor

Visual Searching


Resources in our database matching the Term Neural Network:

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Linked resource
Vehicle Control with Neural Networks
An excellent, easy-to-follow look at using neural networks to control the movement of AI vehicles (or dragons, or whatever). Includes careful break down of how neural networks work, and carries a gradual learning curve upwards.

Locally Hosted resource
Neural Reader vs Neurostimulator
Neural readers and neurostimulators. You will never encounter two more opposing types of brain prosthesis. It is ironic then, that these two are perhaps the most frequently confused, by the lay-person.

Locally Hosted resource
Improving BCI: Neural Network on a Chip
In neuroprosthetics, rather than guide the electrodes to neuron dendrites, why not guide neuron dendrites to the electrodes?

Locally Hosted resource
The First Neural-Jack?
Japanese researchers have created the very first, incredibly crude, neural-jack interface, a distant ancestor of those seen in cyberpunk and the Matrix films, but of the same lineage all the same.

Locally Hosted resource
Large Image Display: Sol Bianca: F-310 Mega-Arms Neural Interface Gun
An in-depth technical look at the neural-controlled weapon in Sol Bianca. How it would actually function, and the basics of how we would go about recreating it in functional form, from technology available today.

Locally Hosted resource
Introduction to Neural Networks
This lengthy article, compiled from a set of slides, gives an excellent overview of neural networks, without delving into too much depth. Excellent for an intro.

Linked resource
A Modular Framework for Artificial Intelligence Based on Stimulus Response Directives
Neural networks are one of the best techniques available, for modelling a mind. However, they are also processing-intensive, and somewhat uncontrollable at their current technological level. This article concentrates on using directive sets, rather than neural nets, to create realistic, task driven behaviour.

Linked resource
Network Game Programming: Part 1
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.

Linked resource
Network Game Programming: Part 2
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.


Industry News containing the Term Neural Network:

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Texas Tech University researchers have developed a way to automatically diagnose epilepsy with an accuracy rate of 94 percent, by training a neural network to recognize the characteristic patterns in EEG data that indicate the patient is ep...

Conference Dates: August 26 ? 28, 2007
Location: Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, USA

This NIMH supported conference will provide an intensive dialogue among leading thinkers about the rapidl...

On the outside, everything about the one-week-old, 3.3lb Pleo Camarasaurus is very unrobotic. It walks with fluid, organic movements, its actions are spontaneous and derived from neural net software rather than straight programming. It has ...

Japanese research group led by Professor Junichi Nabekura in National Institute for Physiological Sciences, NIPS, Japan, found that, after cerebral stroke in one side of the mouse brain, another side of the brain rewires its neural circuits...

In the cognitive sciences, the capacity to interpret the intentions of others is called "Theory of Mind" (ToM). This faculty is involved in the understanding of language, in particular by bridging the gap between the meaning of the words ...