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Photoacoustic Imaging

Photoacoustic imaging is a method of imaging the interior of a three-dimensional structure, by injecting in particles in solution which contain very specific materials, typically nanoscale grains of gold. As such it is very useful for imaging the insides of living organisms.
Pulses of light produced outside the body, are absorbed by the nanoscale gold particles, which themselves are transported by the bloodstream. When exposed to the light, the particles heat up slightly, producing detectable ultrasound signals.

Attached to an artificial protein designed to latch onto specific cells – such as cancers – this imaging method allows a high depth penetration and extreme sensitivity, clearly highlighting exactly where a tumour is, and where it isn't – down to the cellular level. Used in conjunction with an augmented reality diagnostic or surgical system, this imaging method provides a very accurate picture of where cancerous tissue is, in real-time.

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Photoacoustic Imaging


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Locally Hosted resource
Ultrasensitive Imaging: Hunting Every Photon
As the demands for precise imaging in fields such as medicine, astronomy, and real-time machine vision in hostile environments continue to increase, so the demands placed on imaging equipment become ever more stringent. An imaging method based on Single Photon Avalanche Photodiodes (SPAD) offers the potential to ease this bottleneck greatly.

Linked resource
The Brain Unveiled
Technology Review's long, and in depth look at the rise of diffusion spectrum imaging, and how this new neural interface imaging technique is rapidly accelerating the study of both human and animal brains to an extent unparalleled by any previous imaging technique, even fMRI.

Locally Hosted resource
Brain Reading: Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Diffusion spectrum imaging is a new technique at time of writing, which allows magnetic resonance brain imaging, at a much higher level of fidelity than fMRI permits.

Locally Hosted resource
Using VR and Phased Imaging to Track Alzheimers Disease Progression in New Ways
In mid 2012, Swiss researchers turned the world of alzheimers plaque imaging on its head: by combining a phased imaging source and an integral VR model generator, for the first time ever we can now track the formation of Alzheimers plaques in real-time in living patients.

AR based Medical imaging technologies really began to take off in the early 2000s. There are a growing range of holographic, projective, interactive gesture recognition tools available, which can really make training and diagnosis so much easier.

Locally Hosted resource
Brain Reading: fMRI
fMRI or functional magnetic resonance imaging, is one of the newest brain imaging technologies for the first decade of the 21st century. It is a basic form of Brain-Computer Interaction.

These are the proceedings of the fourth international medical imaging and augmented reality conference, held in Tokyo, Japan, August 1-2, 2008.

These are the proceedings of the third international medical imaging and augmented reality conference, held in Shanghai, China, August 17-18, 2006.

These are the proceedings of the second international medical imaging and augmented reality conference, held in Beijing, China, August 19-20, 2004.

These are the proceedings of the first international medical imaging and augmented reality conference, held in Hong Kong, 10-12 June 2001.


Industry News containing the Term Photoacoustic Imaging:

Results by page

X-ray mammography is an important diagnostic tool in the fight against breast cancer, but it has certain drawbacks that limit its effectiveness. For example, it can give in false positive and negative results; it also exposes women to low d...

University of Florida researchers have used a laser beam to detect areas of a mouse brain involved in an epileptic seizure, in real-time.

The technique is called laser-induced PAT, for photoacoustic tomography. A powerful la...

Researchers at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, in Philadelphia, have developed software that integrates data from multiple imaging technologies to create an interactive 3-D map of the brain.

In doing so, it could serve ...

A multicenter clinical trial comparing the sensitivity of traditional breast CA detection technologies (MRI, sonography, and mammography) versus the new one, called the Breast Specific Gamma Imaging (BSGI), has shown that the new medical im...

A new imaging programme which could help transform the treatment of facial surgery, burns, and orthodontics has won a top innovation award.

Dr Colin Urquhart, of Glasgow-based Dimensional Imaging, is to receive the Gannochy T...