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Photon Mapping

Photon mapping is a version of raytraced lighting, that is neither raytraced nor raycast. Instead, it combines the two methods. Rays from the light source and rays from the camera are traced independently of one another, until they meet in the middle ? or a set length is exceeded, not meeting another beam. Those that meet and are travelling in the same direction are kept, all others are discarded. The process continues until all rays have met a partner. Considerable excess calculation is often required.

The advantage photon mapping has, and the reason it is used, is it is very good at accurately modelling the refraction of light through changing mediums ? air to liquid and out again. Diffuse reflection often lends itself very favourably as well, when the source and viewer beam meet over the scattering object it saves having to compute the diffusion.

See Also: Photon Mapped Caustics

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Photon Mapping:

Caustic Lighting

Diffuse Interreflection

Photon Mapped Caustics

Photon Mapping


Resources in our database matching the Term Photon Mapping:

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Locally Hosted resource
Ultrasensitive Imaging: Hunting Every Photon
As the demands for precise imaging in fields such as medicine, astronomy, and real-time machine vision in hostile environments continue to increase, so the demands placed on imaging equipment become ever more stringent. An imaging method based on Single Photon Avalanche Photodiodes (SPAD) offers the potential to ease this bottleneck greatly.

Linked resource
A Closer Look At Parallax Occlusion Mapping
An in-depth Gamedev article, containing step by step coding advice for implementing parallax occlusion mapping to textures, such that the simulated heights can even self-occlude.

This book is an attempt to cross-reference the techniques of mapping and charting the physical world, with attempts to chart cyberspace. All of cyberspace, from individual virtual environments, through to the world wide web, as a single cohesive whole, a second world of many worlds, for others to explore, possessing the maps to do so.

Locally Hosted resource
Augmented Reality Mapping: Tokyo's Nameless Streets
Tokyo. Quite possibly, the birth place of the true sensor web. Birthing, right now.

Complete Website: mmogchart.com
A small web service, dedicated to mapping the statisics on practically every MMO out there: Subscribers, active subscribers, market share, and a whole lot more. Comparisons available in xls format.

Locally Hosted resource
Large Image Display: Animatrix: Beyond: The Matrix VR Map
This image is all about mapping, and more specifically how to preserve all necessary high level information in a virtual environment, in a cut down form, to allow easy oversight.

Locally Hosted resource
Parallax Textures, Made with Camera Flash
A new method of creating parallax mapping has been demonstrated, which can automatically create parallax texturemaps from ordinary photographs.

Locally Hosted resource
A Golden Age of Brain Exploration
The Allen Brain Atlas, a project like never before: Literally a mapping of the human brain, an attempt to make connections between anatomical, genetic, and behavioral observations.


Industry News containing the Term Photon Mapping:

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Research presented in a paper by Morgan McGuire, assistant professor of computer science at Williams College, and co-author Dr. David Luebke of NVIDIA, introduces a new algorithm to improve computer graphics for video games.


Theoretical physicist Filippo Miatto and colleagues from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, have found a new method of reliably assessing the information contained in photon pairs used for applications in cryptography and quantum c...

A new tool being developed by UT Arlington assistant professor of physics could help scientists map and track the interactions between neurons inside different areas of the brain.

The journal Optics Letters recently published...

By demonstrating that an artificial atom embedded in a transmission line can route a single photon from an input port to one of two output ports, physicists have built the first router working at the single-photon level. The single-photon r...

Today's solar cells lose much of the energy in light to heat. Now researchers at Cornell University have made a photovoltaic cell out of a single carbon nanotube that can take advantage of more of the energy in light than conventional phot...